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The investigation of the status quo of loneliness and psychological distress of Taiwanese adolescents during the COVID-19 epidemic


目標:本研究欲探索青少年在COVID-19流行期間,情緒困擾與孤寂感之間的關聯性,從青少年的人口變項進行相關討論,並建構台灣青少年孤寂感量表工具。方法:研究採用調查研究法,在2021年10月至2022年3月期間,於全國蒐集6,646位中學生之量表數據,進行孤寂感量表工具建構,並蒐集簡式健康量表(The 5-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale, 簡稱BSRS-5)、自殺意念、以及相關人口變項數據。結果:(一)青少年孤寂量表總計六題,具有良好的信效度;(二)在孤寂感與情緒困擾、自殺意念呈現顯著正相關;(三)青少年孤寂感受與同儕關係、照顧者關係呈現顯著負相關;(四)而性別、年級、父母婚姻關係在孤寂感、情緒困擾呈現顯著差異,主要照顧者類型則是與青少年的情緒困擾呈現顯著差異。結論:青少年的孤寂感量表可以作為後疫情時代的評估工具,提供青少年危機族群的篩檢與輔導資源提供之依據,並進一步協助有情緒困擾與自殺意念之青少年,結果發現孤寂感與情緒困擾、自殺意念、關係滿意度、與照顧者關係呈現顯著相關。


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between psychological distress and loneliness in adolescents during the COVID-19 epidemic, make relevant discussions through demographic variables, and construct a Taiwanese Adolescents Loneliness Scale (TALS). Methods: The research adopts the survey research method. The scale data were collected from 6,646 high school students to construct the TALS from Oct 2021 to Mar 2022. And the score of The 5-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale (BSRS-5), suicidal ideation, and demographic variables were also collected. Results: (1) The TALS has a total of six items and with good reliability and validity; (2) The adolescents' loneliness has significant positive correlations with psychological distress and suicidal ideation; (3) The adolescents' loneliness has significant negative correlations with peer relationship and caregiver relationship; (4) Both loneliness and psychological distress show significant differences in gender, grades and parental marital relationship; the psychological distress also shows a among different primary caregivers. Conclusions: The TALS can be applied as an assessment tool in the post-pandemic era. It provides the basis for the screening of in-crisis adolescents and the guidance for the following interventions. Furthermore, the TALS can assist the adolescent with psychological distress and suicidal ideation. The adolescents' loneliness has significant correlations with psychological distress, suicidal ideation, peer relationship and caregiver relationship.


loneliness teenagers psychological distress COVID-19


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