  • 期刊


Changes on Drinking Water Quality After Electrolysis Treatment




Objective: An electrolyzed-water treatment device was used as a ”water purification unit” to evaluate the changes on the characteristics of drinking water quality after electrolysis. Methods: The characteristics of the electrolyzed water were studied using a commercial electrolyzed-water treatment device. Laboratory spiked water with various compositions of inorganic and microbial was used as the input water. Water quality parameters before and after different electrolysis conditions were compared. Results: After electrolysis, major differences were observed on the pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and conductivity between the electrolyzed water and the input water. An opposite trend was observed between the electrolyzed acidic and alkaline water. The electrolysis process was able to remove part of lead and arsenic, partial removal was also obtained for coliform groups and total bacteria counts. However, no apparent change was observed after electrolysis when pure water was used as the input. Conclusion: The change in pH, ORP and conductivity in electrolyzed water was due to the presence of the electrolytes in water. In some cases it is necessary to add some electrolytes in input water to enhance the electrolysis processes. However, since the input water quality varies with geographic locations, one should carefully control the amounts of the electrolytes in input water for the optimum performance of the electrolysis process.


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