  • 期刊


A Pilot Assessment of the Variation and Explanation of the BNHI-DRGs for Cases in Taiwan


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine the coefficient of variation (CV) and the explanation of the BNHI-DRGs in order to provide suggestions for Taiwan. Methods: The research data is derived from the 2001 National Health Insurance Research Database of the National Health Research Institutes. After blending two data files, combining the same patient data, and also dropping out primary care datasets, we used the BNHI-DRGs (version 1) for group cases. Then we analyzed the coefficient of variation (CV) and explanation (R^2) after deleting the outliers. Results: We determined the CV and R^2 of the charges and lengths of stay (LOS) for 495 DRGs and R^2 for each MDC. For both the charges and LOS, most CV values of the DRG are between 0.5 and 1.0. The overall charge explanation value is 0.39 and LOS explanation is 0.28. After excluding the case payment corresponding DRGs, the charge explanation is found to be 0.35 and LOS explanation 0.27, and there are significant negative correlations between CV and R^2 (p<0.01) with r=-0.5 for both the charge and LOS. Conclusions: (1) Whether or not the case payment corresponding DRGs are included, the BNHI-DRGs provides a better explanation for 2001 NHI inpatient charges than studies in other countries, indicating that it may be appropriate for DRGs to be put under a new payment system in Taiwan. (2) The DRGs amendment according to the CV of each DRG is a correct direction. However, referring to the explanation of individual DRGs is strongly suggested. (3) The BNHI should initially research DRGs with the explanation being near zero, medical partitioning, MDC4, MDC7, and MDC11. (4) The charge explanations for neonates (MDC15) in Taiwan are higher than the research results in other countries, but still less then the cases overall. When increasing neonatal DRGs, the BNHI should consider the possibilities of international comparisons occurring in the future. (5) The BNHI should set the criteria for identifying additional DRGs where a CC (complication and comorbidity) split appears most justified. Additional DRGs should not be split based solely on the presence or absence of a CC because hospitals may respond by changing coding practices to increase total payments, which would not represent a real increase in the severity of the overall mix of cases.


DRGs 變異係數 解釋能力 健康保險


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine the coefficient of variation (CV) and the explanation of the BNHI-DRGs in order to provide suggestions for Taiwan. Methods: The research data is derived from the 2001 National Health Insurance Research Database of the National Health Research Institutes. After blending two data files, combining the same patient data, and also dropping out primary care datasets, we used the BNHI-DRGs (version 1) for group cases. Then we analyzed the coefficient of variation (CV) and explanation (R^2) after deleting the outliers. Results: We determined the CV and R^2 of the charges and lengths of stay (LOS) for 495 DRGs and R^2 for each MDC. For both the charges and LOS, most CV values of the DRG are between 0.5 and 1.0. The overall charge explanation value is 0.39 and LOS explanation is 0.28. After excluding the case payment corresponding DRGs, the charge explanation is found to be 0.35 and LOS explanation 0.27, and there are significant negative correlations between CV and R^2 (p<0.01) with r=-0.5 for both the charge and LOS. Conclusions: (1) Whether or not the case payment corresponding DRGs are included, the BNHI-DRGs provides a better explanation for 2001 NHI inpatient charges than studies in other countries, indicating that it may be appropriate for DRGs to be put under a new payment system in Taiwan. (2) The DRGs amendment according to the CV of each DRG is a correct direction. However, referring to the explanation of individual DRGs is strongly suggested. (3) The BNHI should initially research DRGs with the explanation being near zero, medical partitioning, MDC4, MDC7, and MDC11. (4) The charge explanations for neonates (MDC15) in Taiwan are higher than the research results in other countries, but still less then the cases overall. When increasing neonatal DRGs, the BNHI should consider the possibilities of international comparisons occurring in the future. (5) The BNHI should set the criteria for identifying additional DRGs where a CC (complication and comorbidity) split appears most justified. Additional DRGs should not be split based solely on the presence or absence of a CC because hospitals may respond by changing coding practices to increase total payments, which would not represent a real increase in the severity of the overall mix of cases.


中央健康保險局(2002)。住院病例組合架構說明。總額制度下Case Mix醫療費用支付及審查之應用。4-1-9。
黃肇明(2002)。住院病例組合支付制度方式下之審查規劃。總額制度下Case Mix醫療費用支付及審查之應用。1-1-13。
第一、二版DRG項目對照表(499DRG vs 976 DRG)
Muldoon JH(1999).Structure and performance of different DRG classification systems for neonatal medicine.Pediatrics.103,302-18.


廖錦珍(2007)。探討實施DRGs 制度對醫院醫療費用之可能影響-以台中縣市醫院為例〔碩士論文,亞洲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0118-0807200916274175
