  • 期刊


A Follow-Up Study of Psychosocial Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders among Nursing Personnel in a Nursing Home




Objectives: Nursing personnel working in nursing homes have quite a high musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) rate in many countries. The aims of this follow-up study were to access the incidences and to explore the work-related psychosocial factors for neck, shoulder and low back disorder among female nursing personnel at a nursing home located in Chunghua. Methods: In this one year follow-up study, the baseline data comprised 80 female nursing personnel to complete a questionnaire by face-to-face interview. Of these, 75 (93.8%) completed a second questionnaire 1-year later. The variables of this questionnaire including self-reported MSDs in different body regions, personal characteristics, perceived physical exertion and psychosocial factors such as job control, emotional demand of clients, time pressure, job satisfaction and social support. Results: Of the 75 subjects, the 1-year incidence rate of neck, shoulder and low back disorder were 38.2%, 54.8% and 55.9%, respectively. Univariate analysis showed that time pressure and perceived physical exertion were related to neck disorders; time pressure and emotional demand of clients were related to shoulder disorders; and current work-years were related to low back disorders. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that the higher the perceived physical exertion and the higher the time pressure, the greater the risk of neck disorders; the higher time pressure, the greater the risk of shoulder disorders; while the less the current work-years, the more the risk of low back disorders. Conclusions: This study indicated that factors related with incident MSDs were multiple. In particular, time pressure was the most important psychosocial factor. For lowering time pressure and physical loading and also decreasing MSDs occurrence among nursing personnel, this study suggests that the employer should hire more staff under cost controls.


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