  • 期刊


Dance or Theatre: Analyzing the Collage Structure of Pina Bausch's Dance Theatre


碧娜.鮑許雖然已被大多數歐美舞蹈學者公認為舞蹈劇場之宗師,但有關其作品結構之分析仍有待發展。本文專注於分析鮑許的拼貼結構如何合併了舞蹈及戲劇元素。拼貼作為一種藝術手法最早可追溯至二十世紀初畢卡索的作品中。之後在美國六零年代為賈德生教堂(Judson Church)的一群藝術家作為一種編舞手法,融合不同的藝術元素及時間結構。鮑許的拼貼主要融入大量的戲劇元素,和傳統之編舞有下列不同之處:(1)鮑許打破連續動作之規則,在舞句之間的轉折不以舞蹈動作過渡,而鑲入或長或短的戲劇片段。(2)即便是戲劇片段本身亦含舞蹈結構,例如大量的反覆主題及副主題的變化。鮑許的拼貼手法以意象作內涵邏輯,顛覆傳統戲劇及舞蹈的線性結構,並重新定義舞蹈與戲劇。


Although Pina Bausch is acclaimed by many European and American dance critics as the major motivating force behind popularizing the genre of dance theatre, there has not been much analysis of her work in terms of its structure. The goal of this paper is to examine how the collage structure of Bausch's work combines the elements of both dance and theatre.The use of collage was first seen in the visual arts, mainly in the avant-garde works of Picasso in the early twentieth century. It was later used as a structural device in dance by the Judson Church choreographers during the sixties, in which elements and time structures from other disciplines were borrowed as choreographic methods. Bausch's productions employ elements of dance and theatre and create a collage effect which differs from traditional dance and theatre in the following ways:(1)Bausch breaks the traditional choreographic rules that dance has to be developed by movement only. In between dance phrases, Bausch uses theatrical vignettes instead of dance movements.(2)In developing theatrical scenes, Bausch uses choreographic devices such as repetition and variation instead of linear structure.By use of a collage structure, Bausch develops her work by imagistic associations and subverts the traditional linear feature of dance and theatre. The postmodern work of Pina Bausch thus redefines both disciplines.


