  • 期刊


Place-names as Identifiers of Regional Characteristics: A Case Study of the East District of Tainan




Place-name are often the identifiers of space. They reflect spatial perception of people. By analyzing place-names, We can reconstruct past landform and different human activities in history. Since the spatial and temporal aspects of place-names can be deemed as identifiers of regional characteristics, the author uses four groups of place-names to investigate the process of annexation of Tainan's east suburbs into the city. Results of the present research can be summarized according to three temporal stages. Place-names of the present east district of Tainan in the Chin dynasty reveal that the district was an underdeveloped area. During the Japanese colonial era, place-names of the east district reflect then newly established public facilities, institutes, and settlements. In the post-war Republic era, official place-names (namely-Li) are no longer carrying meaningful connotation about man-land relations.
