  • 期刊


The Formation and Development of Liang's Consanguineous Settlement at Dapinding in the City of Kaohsiung


本研究試圖透過空間變化之分析,呈現高雄市大坪頂台地地區的梁姓血緣聚落的區域特色,探討梁姓血緣聚落的形成與發展。首先,探討大坪頂梁姓血緣聚落基址選擇的影響因素;進而分析血緣聚落的拓墾與空間結構的關係;最吼關節大坪頂新市鎮計畫的實施,對血緣聚落空間發展的影響。 大坪頂梁姓血緣聚落的先祖,其最初基址選擇的原因,歸納為三:一是原鄉經驗的連結。二是大坪頂有足以謀生的自然湧泉。三是丘陵下的莿蔥腳有瘟疫發生,引起梁氏祖往高處遷移的動機。 大坪頂血緣聚落的拓墾與空間結構的關係,可發現先民的拓墾方向和遷移動線有關。遷移初期,影響宗人數的多寡會影響土地影響土地是立拓展的快慢,其後宗族組織的嚴密與否,影響宗族勢力的消長。 民國六十七年以後的大坪頂梁姓血緣聚落,因新市鎮計畫的實施,遭禁建達二十年之久,整體空間發展因此停頓,人口亦年年外流。直到民國八十八年,新市鎮計畫中的高坪特定地區完工,大坪頂人口才又回隱的跡象。尤其,新市鎮計畫的土底徵收部分原於梁姓血緣聚落的居民,故血緣聚落居民,亦開始擴散至新市鎮裏。然而,新市鎮聚落的居民,來源更多元,和傳統梁姓血緣聚落的居民恰成對比。


This study attempts to explore the formation and development of the Liang’s consanguineous settlement on the Dapinding tableland, Fongshan Hills. Three graphic issues are addressed: (1) the relationship between nral environment ad transplant of the Liang’s consanguinity; (2) the relationship between the cultivation of the Liang’s pioneers and the spatial amework of the settlement; and tial impact of the new town planning to the Liang’s settlement. The Liang’s ancestors movedom the foot of Chechanka of Fongshan Hills to Dapinding in early Chin Dynasty. There might have three reasons to explain why of native experience and feelings towards tableland surrounded by hills. Secondly, there are natural springs at Dapinding to provide enough water. Thirdly, plagues lIrred at the foothill of the Fongshan Hills drove the Liang’s ancestors to move up to the elevated tableland of Dapinding. The cultivation and spatial framework f – te Liang’s consanguineous – sped. and area of the Liang’s were affe-cted by the amount of the Liang’s human capital, i.e., manpower in agricultural terms, throughout the family history. I UJ’the Liang’s settlement went through several dramatic changes. The Dapinding was ?ro~ibited from building for about 20 years since 1978. The dilatory plan resulted the retreat and depression at the Dapinding. Many people moved out to earn living and it became stagnant here. The new township plan was competed in 1999 and the Dapinding has been upturned from the bottom. The Liang’s residents have ne land in new town and some of them moved in. Some of the Liang’s clansman returned again. The spatial development of the Liang’s family is yet to be seen in the new century﹒


