  • 期刊



規律身體活動可促進身體健康與提升生活品質;對於孩童與青少年,規律的身體活動更可增加骨質健康及身體適能等,也可減少體脂肪與降低心理壓力(U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS), 2011)。在身心障礙保護法、特殊教育法公佈之後,臺灣的身心障礙族群已逐漸受到重視,然而,一般人在觀念上容易認為運動對於身心障礙族群是危險的、不必要的、且是附屬的(林鎮坤,2003),如此一來便間接剝奪了身心障礙族群的運動權。因此,如何適其所需,設計完善的適應體育教學,是體育老師或相關從業者都須思考的問題。本文主要目的在於簡介適應體育的教學原則,將之融入自閉症者(星星兒)之游泳課程,並分享實務經驗提供給體育教師及相關從業者教學或研究時的參考。


Regularly participating in physical activity can promote health and enhance quality of life. For children and adolescents, it not only increased in bone health and physical fitness but also reduce body fat and stress (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). In Taiwan, more attention has been paid to the individuals with disabilities since Physically and Mentally Disabled Citizens Protection Act and The Special Education Act announced. However, from the most people's point of view, it was considered to be dangerous for individuals with disabilities to engage in physical activity, which indirectly made their rights deprived. Therefore, it is important for physical education teachers and related practitioners to think about how to design a suitable adapted physical education for this population. The main purposes of this paper were to (a) briefly introduce teaching strategies of adapted physical education, and (b) utilize these principles to adapted aquatic program for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. It is expected to provide some practical experiences for physical education teachers and related practitioners for their teaching or future researches.
