  • 期刊

Analysis of On-Line Shopping Acceptance and Satisfaction Using DeLone & McLean Model

以DeLone & McLean模式分析網路購物的接受度與滿意度


網際網路近年來快速成長,已經成為主要的傳播媒體之一,隨著網路愈來愈成熟的發展,學生運用資訊科技的能力不斷提升中。目前高職學生上網比率幾乎達百分之百,使用網路購物的比率也逐漸增加,再加上商業類科學生因電子商務課程而增加其對網路購物網站的瀏覽與使用,也有部分學生從事網路拍賣之賣家。在網路商店的經營與設計來講,推動電子商務必須依賴資訊系統的配合才能推動的更成功,故本研究以DeLone and McLean資訊系統成功模型(DeLone and McLean, 2003)系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質為架構基礎,簡稱D&M模型,再加入「樂趣」變數探討使用網路商店所產生的愉快經驗,以南部地區高職之商業類科174位學生為調查對象,研究方法採問卷調查法,以高職學生的上網使用經驗,來探討高職學生使用網路商店對網路購物的接受度與滿意度,目的在瞭解目前高職學生使用網路商店的狀況與影響其使用網路商店的因素,進而了解網路購物網站對消費者購買決策之影響,最後提出結論以及實務與學術上的建議。


D&M模式 電子商務 滿意度


The use of on-line auction has been turned into the most popular virtual shopping model due to the popularized information technology and increase of Internet users. On the other hand, low threshold and maturity of IT development both make the business of on-line auction more and more competitive. The on-line shopping has some advantages which are without time and space constraints and with personalized services. Those result in great impact on traditional retail, and the ratio of vocational high school students using the Internet to buy things is gradually increasing. Furthermore, some students engage in sellers of the on-line auction. Because of the successful e-commerce must depend on information systems, so the DeLone and McLean information Systems model can explain the intention to use of e-commerce. The research data have been obtained from the students of vocational high school in Southern Taiwan. Moreover, 174 effective responses were retained for analysis. Research method is used questionnaire survey method. Main discussion of this paper will focus on acceptance and satisfaction of on-line shopping for vocational high students to use on-line store. The analysis results can understand the influence of consumer purchasing decisions.


D&M model Electronic commerce Satisfaction
