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Elderly Oropharynx-Hypopharynx Carcinoma Patients: Induction Chemotherapy Plus Chemoradiotherapy Improve Cancer Controls Than Radiotherapy Alone



背景:本篇研究老年口咽及下咽癌族群(以治癒為抗癌目的並且沒有接受手術的病人):探討前導性化療合併同步化放療與單獨接受放射治療之效果比較。方法:我們回溯收集2003至2007年,組織學證實為口咽或下咽癌,年紀超過70歲並且沒接受手術的病人44位。病人分為兩組,A組(前導性化療加上同步化放療,n=22)和B組(只做放射治療,n=22)。依病人的腫瘤位置,性別及臨床分期在兩組中使用一對一(1:1)配對分析。總共有三十六位男性及八位女性案例,年齡中位數為76歲(分佈範圍為70~88歲)。實驗的觀察標的(end point)為病人的存活率及腫瘤控制。結果:所有病人追蹤的時間中位數為35個月(分佈範圍為1~72個月)。在第三年,A組呈現比B組更好的腫瘤控制,在局部區域控制率(86.4%比36.4%,p=0.002)及無病生存率(61.4%比36.4%,p=0.035)。然而,在疾病特異生存率及總生存率上,兩組沒有顯著差異。可以想見的是,A組比B組有更多的治療副作用(Grade 3~4的黏膜炎,63.6%比27.3%,p=0.015)。結論:對沒有接受手術的老年口咽下咽癌患者來說,前導性化療合併同步化放療比起只做放射治療,明顯增進腫瘤控制率,只做放射治療應該只適合臨床上不適合做化療的病人。


口咽癌 下咽癌 放射治療 化學治療 年長


Methods: Between 2003 and 2007, we retrospectively included 44 histologically proven oropharynx-hypopharynx carcinoma patients who were aged more than 70 years and treated non-surgically. Two groups were defined: the group A (induction chemotherapy plus CCRT, n=22) and the group B (RT alone, n=22). Patients in the group B were 1:1 match-paired to those in the group A by using three factors: cancer subsite, gender, and clinical stage. Totally, there were 36 males and 8 females, with a median age of 76 years (range, 70-88 years). Patient survival and cancer control were defined as study end points.Background: This study intended to compare treatment results between induction chemotherapy plus chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) and radiotherapy (RT) alone in elderly oropharynx-hypopharynx carcinoma patients who were treated curatively and non-surgically.Results: The median follow-up time for all patients was 35.0 months (range, 1-72 months). At 3 years, the group A demonstrated better cancer controls than the group B, in terms of locoregional control (86.4% versus 36.4%, p=0.002) and disease-free survival (61.4% versus 36.4%, p=0.035). However, no statistically significant differences were found on disease-specific and overall survivals. Not surprisingly, more treatment-related toxicity were observed in the group A than in the group B (grade 3-4 mucositis, 63.6% versus 27.3%, p=0.015).Conclusions: For elderly oropharynx-hypopharynx carcinoma patients treated nonsurgically, induction chemotherapy plus CCRT significantly improves cancer control when compared with RT alone. RT alone should be reserved for patients who are medically contra-indicated to chemotherapy.
