  • 期刊


The Method of Establishing "The Community-Based Integrated Care" System in Japan- Focusing on "The Community Care Conference" by Local Municipalities




The community care conference can simultaneously promote the personal support of the elderly and stabilize the social infrastructure. It is therefore used as a method of establishing the "Community-based Integrated Care System". To promote the effectiveness of Community Care Conference, we must first understand its purpose and function. We should take the initiative to set up a targeted care system and a method of operation based on the actual situation of local municipalities. When the "Community Care Conference" was formally introduced as part of the care insurance system reform in 2015, seminars were held in local municipalities across the country to promote awareness of community care and review existing practices. The initiative also induces community building through analyzing and understanding the needs of local areas.


厚生労働省(2013a)。2013 年度地域ケア会議運営に係る実務者研修企画委員会資料。
厚生労働省(2013b)「地域ケア会議」に関する Q&A」。
筒井孝子(2014)。「地域包括ケアシステム構築の ためのマネジメント戦略-integrated care の理論とその応用」、中央法規 2014 年 3 月。
堀田聰子(2015)。「地域に飛び出せ!支えあい育みあう地域づくり」1 月 16 日第 109回市町村職員を対象とするセミナー「新しい総合事業について」。
