  • 期刊


A Survey of Parents Knowledge, Attitude, and Motivation of Orthodontic Treatment in Children


研究目的:本研究之目的是希望了解家長對兒童矯正的認知與態度,並調查家長對兒童矯正治療的意願。 方法與對象:研究對象以南部某醫學中心兒童牙科門診部,採立意取樣就診患者之家長進行問卷調查,共計120份,並進行資料統計分析。 結果:研究結果顯示92.50%曾聽說過齒顎矯正治療,全部的家長皆相信可以透過齒顎矯正治療將牙齒排列整齊。多數的小孩(90.83%)未曾主動要求接受齒顎矯正治療;60.00%的家長認為兒童的牙齒排列會和人際關係有關。55.00%的家長認為矯正治療的理想年齡是在國小時期,59.17%的家長會因為希望改善小孩牙齒排列不整齊而接受齒顎矯正治療。而治療費用太昂貴卻成為家長不願讓子女接受齒顎矯正治療的主因(27.52%);提出矯正治療建議者,有71.43%是牙醫師;矯正治療的決定者,則以母親為最多(66.67%)。 結論:在家長對兒童矯正治療行為調查中,發現全部的家長皆相信可以透過矯正治療將牙齒排列整齊,而治療費用太貴則是家長不讓小孩接受治療的主因,但牙醫師的意見仍然被多數家長採納。


父母親 兒童 矯正治療


Purposes: The purpose of this study was to understand the recognition, attitude, and inclination of parents about orthodontic problems in children. Subjects & Methods: The study population consisted of 120 parents visited pediatric dental department of a medical center in southern Taiwan. They were interviewed with structural questionnaires. All data were analyzed using statistic system. Results: The results showed that 90.83% of the parents were aware of the orthodontic treatment. All parents believed orthodontic treatment could improve malocclusion. Most of children (90.83%) never made a request for orthodontic treatment. Sixty percent of parents thought dental appearance closely related to interpersonal relationships. Fifty-five percent of parents thought that the timing for child orthodontic treatment is at the period of junior school. More than half parents (59.17%) would receive child orthodontic treatment to improve malocclusion. Parents concerned that treatment fee was too expensive (27.52%). More than seventy percent (71.43%) of orthodontic treatment were recommended by dentist. Most of decision in receiving child orthodontic treatment was made by mothers (66.67%). Conclusion: All of parents agreed that orthodontic treatment could improve malocclusion. Treatment fee plays an important role of making decision in receiving orthodontic treatment. Most of parents follow dentist's advice to receive orthodontic treatment.


Parents Child Orthodontic Treatment
