  • 期刊


Children with Early Childhood Caries Following Treatment under General Anesthesia


早期幼兒齲齒(early childhood caries, ECC)是發生在年齡71個月內的嬰幼兒或學齡前兒童身上,此齲齒病變的獨特模式,特性為快速廣泛地破壞乳齒。早期幼兒齲齒(ECC)的治療方式有很多種,以全身麻醉(general anesthesia, GA)進行牙科治療不但可以降低孩童的心理壓力及恐懼,減輕家長的困擾,在臨床上是一個有效,相對安全及品質高的治療方式。但患有早期幼兒齲齒的孩童在全身麻醉術後仍有較高的齲齒復發率(recurrence),因此在治療上建議採取較積極的治療方式,乳臼齒套上不鏽鋼牙套(stainless steel crown, SSC)是成功率較高的復形方式;全身麻醉治療術後也必須定期回診檢查,並且對家長及孩童們強調口腔衛教的重要性及相關預防齲齒的方式,以改善孩童們的整體口腔健康。


Early childhood caries (ECC) occurred within 71 months of age in infants or preschoolers who is a unique pattern of dental caries lesions characteristic for the rapid and extensive destruction of primary teeth. General anesthesia (GA) is utilized for pediatric dental patients to provide relatively safe and high quality dental care; Besides, it can not only to reduce a child's psychological pressure and fear, but also to alleviate the distress of parents. Children with early childhood caries following treatment under general anesthesia still have higher caries recurrence, so strongly suggest that more aggressive dental treatment may be required. Stainless steel crown (SSC) to be more successful restoration on primary molar teeth. To improve the child's overall oral health following dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia may result from active follow-up, education of parents and children about oral hygiene instruction and the caries prevention.
