  • 期刊


Orthodontic Treatment of a Case with Maxillary Midline Diastema




The maxillary midline diastema is a space between maxillary central incisors, which can be a normal transition from the primary to the mixed dentition. The possible causes of midline diastema after normal transition are oral habit, dentoalveolar disproportion, missing teeth, midline supernumerary teeth, proclination of the upper labial segment and a prominent frenum. The success in closing diastema relies on accurate diagnosis and treatment of the specific etiologies and effective long-term retention. We present a case of maxillary midline diastema 6 mm in a 14-year-old girl. Her diagnosis included a skeletal class II malocclusion with deepbite and a prominent frenum. Comprehensive fixed orthodontic appliances with non-extraction mechanics were used to correct her malocclusion. The midline diastema was closed followed by a frenectomy procedure. Ideal overbite and overject and resolution of the midline diastema were achieved within 16 months. Hawley retainers were used as a retention appliance. On the subsequent four-year follow-up, no recurrence of midline diastema was noted.
