  • 期刊


Nimesulide Induced Acute Liver Injury: A Case Report


Nimesulid是屬於非類固醇類抗發炎藥物,具有解熱、止痛及抗發炎的作用,1985年於義大利上市,在歐洲廣泛的被使用,但並未在美國、英國、加拿大核准上市,國內於民國89年核准上市,此藥的安全性目前是備受質疑,其曾引起嚴重肝損傷的致死案例。本案例為五十七歲女性,因為退化性關節炎而使用Nimesulide治療,於服藥後一個半月發現肝功能指數異常,立即停藥一個半月後病患肝功能指數恢復正常,依據Naranjo scale評估則極可能(Probable)是Nimosulide引起的急性肝損傷。國內並未有報導有關此藥引起的急性肝損傷,希望籍此病例報告盼能提醒使用Nimesulide時應注意病患肝功能的變化。


Nimesulide, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, was approved in Italy, 1985. It was widely used in the Europe, but not approved in the USA, Great Britain, and Canada because of safety concern, some fatal drug-related cases of severe liver injury. 2000, the Department of Health (DOH) of Taiwan approved it for use. This case reported a 57-year-old female administered Nimesulide for osteoarthritis. After one and half month of Nimesulide treatment, her liver function tests turned abnormal. And one and half month after her cessation of Nimesulide treatment, her liver function tests turned back to normal. According to the evaluation of Naranjo scale, it was an acute liver injury probably caused by Nimesulide. It was not ever reported an acute liver injury caused by Nimesulide here in Taiwan. Through this case report, we hope to remind that monitor patients' hepatic function when using Nimesulide.
