  • 期刊


Exploring the Cross-County Application of National Suicide Prevention Strategy Through the World Café Model




The suicide rate in Taiwan has been decreasing in the past decade. However, the local governments need to promote up-to-date suicide prevention strategies in order to enhance prevention effectiveness. The study aims to facilitate communications across multidisciplinary personnel and to form better local strategies of suicide prevention through the world café model. All the 61 participants who were divided into four small groups came from the 22 counties in Taiwan. They were arranged to discuss the following three issues over three rounds of sessions: high-risk report statistics in suicide prevention, aftercare visit and re-attempt prevention, and the charcoal burning strategies that tailored to the need of local governments. A satisfaction survey with a 10-item self-invented scale was administered after the discussion through the online survey system. Qualitative content analysis revealed that the main topics of discussion were related to the practice and policy sides of aftercare visit regulations, which included issues of suicide data analysis, education and training, aftercare visit procedures and new policy (i.e., cross-professionally mutual visit), and cross-county effectiveness comparisons. The satisfaction rate was consistently over 80% in every item of the questionnaire. The evidence-based findings of this novel study provided the reference for future discussions of a better practice regulation and aftercare policy.


廖士程、李明濱、龍佛衛、張家銘、吳佳儀:台灣自殺防治之十年回顧檢討與展望。台灣公共衛生雜誌2015;34:227-239。[Liao SC, Lee MB, Long FW, Chang CM, Wu CY: Suicide prevention in Taiwan: a ten-year. Taiwan Journal of Public Health 2015;34:227-39.]
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