  • 期刊


Effects of Mindfulness on Postpartum Depression


產後憂鬱是威脅周產期婦女和嬰兒健康的疾病,是育齡婦女健康維護的重要議題。正念是可以有效紓解壓力的練習,正念認知行為治療已成為憂鬱症治療的方法之一,但正念應用於產後憂鬱的研究還不多,更缺乏回顧性研究文獻。本研究以系統性文獻回顧的方式,探討正念應用於產後憂鬱治療的效果,搜尋Medline Complete和華藝線上圖書館資料庫,蒐集分析2009年以後發表的有關正念應用於產後憂鬱治療的中、英文文章。研究發現正念應用於產後憂鬱的治療,對減輕產後憂鬱症狀有顯著的效益。正念能有效應用於產後憂鬱的症狀改善,在常規治療的基礎上,正念的加入應可提升孕產婦照護品質。


正念 產後憂鬱症


Postpartum depression is a disease which can threaten the life of mothers and babies in perinatal period. Mindfulness is an exercise helpful for mental health. The aim of this study is to perform a systemic review to summarize the effects of mindfulness on postpartum depression. We search for papers focus on studying the effects of mindfulness on postpartum depression since 2009 which published in English or Chinese. We search papers form databases of Medline Complete and AiritiLibray. We retrieval seven papers included in our study, the results demonstrate that mindfulness can effectively improve the symptoms of postpartum depression. Based on the review, promotion mindfulness-based regiment can improve the quality of maternal mental care.


mindfulness postpartum depression


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