  • 期刊


Patient Selection by Imaging for Endovascular Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke




Intra-arterial endovascular thrombectomy is currently recommended in treating patients with acute ischemic stroke caused by large vessel occlusion. Clinical severity and time after onset are two key points to evaluate such patients. Imaging study plays an important role in patient selection for thrombectomy. The imaging modalities include non-contrast CT, single-phase CT angiography, multi-phase CT angiography, dynamic contrast-enhanced CT perfusion, and MRI. When the selection criteria are strict, the patient outcome is usually better. However, some patients out of the inclusion criteria may benefit from thrombectomy, but they would not be treated. Therefore, in current guideline, loose selection criteria are used for patients with onset less than 6 hours. Advanced imaging criteria are used for patients with onset more than 6 hours or unknown duration. In general practice, the advanced imaging modality may not always available in all hospital. Simple practical criteria are suggested in this article.


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