  • 期刊


Endovascular Thrombectomy in Young Stroke Patients: A Case-Series Analysis




The major impacts of ischemic brain stroke on individuals, families and societies are disability, caring and economy. If those stroke patients are young age, the impact would be remarkable. Recently, applying endovascular technique with aspiration catheters or stent retriever to remove blood clots has been making a significant progress. Owing to its high recanalization rate, the endovascular thrombectomy has been proved an effective treatment for acute ischemic stroke with large arteries occlusion, in terms of minimizing severity and disability of patients. However, most clinical studies only reflect the therapeutic results in elderly, i.e. the most prevalent population in stroke. For young stroke patients, reports of causal relation and treatment results with endovascular thrombectomy are limited in literature. In this case series, we reviewed the results of endovascular thrombectomy in young stroke patients associated with specific etiologies.


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