  • 期刊


Debates and Reform of the U.S. Strategic Communication and their Implication to the R.O.C. Strategic Communication Mechanism Development


九一一事件後,美國政府發現「心智」(Hearts and Minds)的重要,產生「戰略溝通」概念及機制,期整合國家資源,來獲取國內、外民意。然幾經運作後卻出現許多困境與爭議,並刻進行調整。我國自103年起由國防部發展此機制,希汲取美國經驗,成為戰力倍增器。本文將由全球化下的政治作戰帶入美國戰略溝通,探討其起源、發展與運作方式,並檢視執行困境與存廢爭論,繼而分析當前實務改革作法,據以研擬我國戰略溝通機制發展應面對的關鍵課題。


After the attacks on September 11, 2001, the U.S. government recognized the importance of "hearts and minds" and develoued strategic communication mechanism to coordinate national efforts to inform, influence, or persuade both domestic and international audiences. However, the mechanism did not work very well and had several problems, and disputes. Even now, the U.S. government still try to do the adjustment. In 2014, the Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C. has adopted the idea of U.S. strategic communication mechanism and attempted to use it to gain the support of the domestic public and the international support. This article commences with the review of U.S. strategic communication origins, developments, and practicing processes. It is followed by the examination in current debates and innovations of U.S. strategic communication mechanism. Finally, it analyzes the applicability to R.O.C. strategic communication mechanism as policy recommendations.
