  • 期刊

Scintigraphic Evidence of Osteomalacia: Usefulness and Typical Signs



一位34歲的女性主訴有十年肌肉無力及早晨起床背部晨間僵硬的病史。病人在他院被診斷為僵直性脊椎炎,但在本院最近的血清學及X光檢查,對原本之診斷保持懷疑,再經由核磁共振影像,確認其正確診斷應是骨軟化症(osteomalacia)。爲了更正確並瞭解疾病的範圍,病人做了骨質密度檢查(dual-energy-ray absorptiometry)和全身骨頭婦描(whole-body bone scintigraphy)。骨頭婦描顯示五種典型的骨軟化症型態,包括:寬下顎、念珠樣肋排、領帶貌胸骨、假性骨折、膝骨垢寬大等徵象。與僵直性脊椎炎的骨頭婦描對照,全身性骨頭婦描可以有效區別骨軟化症與僵直性脊椎炎,應可早期診斷而幫助該病患。


A 34-year-old woman has experienced muscle weakness and morning back stiffness for the past 10 years. She was diagnosed and treated as ankylosing spondylitis previously, but the symptoms still persisted. Thereafter she visited our hospital, and osteomalacia was suspected after serial work-up, including biochemical test, radiographs and MR images. In addition, a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry study was performed for the evaluation of bone mineral density and osteopenia was impressed. Whole body bone scintigraphy was acquired for further evaluation, and the results showed all the typical signs of osteomalacia, i.e. widening of the mandible, rachitic rosary sign, tie sign of the sternum, pseudofracture signs, and prominent epiphyses of the knees. The presented case suggested that bone scintigraphy can help distinguish osteomalacia from ankylosing spondylitis.


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