  • 期刊


A Longitudinal Study of the Effects on Students' Academic Achievement Growth of Junior High School Students in Keelung City


為了瞭解影響學生學習成就因素的長期變化情形,本研究採用「國民中學階段學生科學與數學學習長期追蹤調查資料庫」,以國中生學習成就的調查數據,建立影響學習成就的理論模型,納入樣本1,508位基隆市國中生,使用結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)的潛在成長曲線模式,檢定影響學生學習成就因素。獲得結論如下:(1)國中生的家庭社經地位愈高,家長參與、學生同儕互動、師生關係學習態度、技巧與學習成就愈好;(2)國中生的家長參與子女學習隨著年級增加,學習成就反而是負面效果;(3)國中生的同儕互動和師生互動對學習成就沒有提升效果;(4)隨著年級提高,國中生的學習態度成長對學習成就具有提升效果,但學習技巧對學習成就則否。


To understand the impacted factors of the growth of academic achievement of the students, this study used "Long-term Follow-up Survey Database of Junior High School Students Learning Science and Mathematics" and constructed the theory model that influence student academic achievement based on the research data collected from the Keelung City junior high students. This research also used structural equation modeling (SEM) and latent growth curve model to analyze the factors which could potentially affect academic achievement. The selected samples of this research were 1,508 junior high school students. The longitudinal research in order to understand the authenticity of the factors which affect their academic achievement. It obtained the following conclusions: (1) The higher the junior high school student's family socioeconomic status, the better of their parental involvement, classmate interactions, student en dash teacher relationship, the learning attitudes as well as learning skills and academic achievement are; (2) As the school year progresses, the parents of the junior high school students have inverse effects on the student's academic achievement; (3) The classmate interactions and the studentteacher relationship do not affect the study achievement; and (4) As the school year progresses, the increase in the learning attitudes of the junior high school students has a positive impact on the academic achievement, but the learning skills have an negative impact on the academic achievement.


中華民國內政部戶政事務司(無日期)。人口統計資料:縣市外裔、外籍與大陸配偶人數(提供97 年1 月至104 年11 月)。取自https://www.ris.gov.tw/zh_TW/346[Department of Household Registration, Ministry of the Interior. (n.d.). Population statistics: The number of foreigners and foreign (mainland) spouses in counties and cities (from January 2008 to November 2015). Retreived from https://www.ris.gov.tw/zh_TW/346]
余民寧(2006)。潛在變項模式:SIMPLIS的應用。臺北市=Taipei:高等教育=Higher Education。
余民寧(2013)。縱貫性資料分析:LGM 的應用。臺北市=Taipei:心理=Psychological。
