  • 期刊


A Study of Preschool Teacher Educator's Clinical Teaching About the Early Childhood Education and Care Curriculum Framework: Linking Theory and Practice




Taiwan issued "The Early Childhood Education and Care Curriculum Framework" (ECCEF) in 2017, accompanied by Taiwan's academic researches and practices of early childhood education in terms of curriculum and teaching transformation for the ECCEF. This study, conducted by a preschool teacher educator attempting to link theory and practice, aimed at exploring the teaching practice processes about implementation the ECCEF in preschool. Three questions were proposed as follows: (1) What were curricula with the principles of the ECCEF developed by preschool teacher educator? (2) What was teaching transformation under the ECCEF by preschool teacher educator? (3) What was practical knowledge in the ECCEF conceptualized by preschool teacher educator? Adopting the action research method, this study emphasized the connection between theory and practice, transforming the perceived ECCEF theories by the researchers into operational curricula; it was also complemented by the cyclical process of observing and discussing lessons by the research participants. There were five findings as follows: (1) The content of the ECCEF and curriculum transformation can start from providing children with first-hand experience and inquiring issues; (2) The transformation of curriculum and teaching within the ECCEF is closely dominated by teaching intentions with its focus on the process of model concept operation; (3) The orientation and teaching direction depend on the anchoring of teachers' curriculum awareness; (4) Based on the spirit of general framework, the teaching transformation of learning indicators can be linked to children's characteristics, experiences, and theme contents, transformed into specific guides and adjusted, according to the real classroom scenario; (5) One of the best ways to apply theories into practices can be done through continuous dialogues and deliberation between the two. There were two suggestions for learning sites in the ECCEF, preschool teacher educators and preschool educators, suggestions which would provide a reference for bridging curriculum practices and educational theories. First, strengthen the curriculum concepts of preschool teachers to implement the curriculum and teaching transformation in the ECCEF. Second, consciously guide preschool teachers to discuss and speculate upon possible connections between theories and practices.


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