  • 學位論文


Service advertising: The effect of pictures,advertising appeals,and service type.

指導教授 : 練乃華


由於服務的無形(intangibility)特性,消費者難以在購買前瞭解服務的利益與結果,也缺乏客觀具體的標準判斷服務的內容與價值,因而容易提高顧客的知覺風險。所以應如何藉由適宜的廣告設計方式將無形服務有形化,是一項重要的研究議題。本研究以Stafford (1995、1996)之實驗架構為基礎並加以延伸,探討不同的服務業類型下,平面廣告中圖文的搭配方式對廣告效果(以廣告回憶率、廣告態度、品牌態度與購買意願來衡量)的影響。 本研究採用實驗設計,以「廣告文字訴求」、「廣告圖片類型」與「服務業類型」為自變數,分成感性(Emotional)與理性(Rational)兩種文字訴求;心像化(Visualization)與實體呈現(Physical Representation)兩種圖片類型;歡樂性(Hedonic)與弁鄔


Because of the intangible nature of services, it is difficult for consumers to realize the benefits and outcomes of services. Consumers also do not have objective and tangible standards to evaluate, thus consumers’ perceived risk will increase. Advertising strategy is an important tool to offset the problems caused by service intangibility. This study explores the potential effects of picture types and advertising appeals in print media on advertising effectiveness (including recall, attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intention) for two different service types. Using college students at National Taiwan University as respondents, a 2×2×2 between-subject experimental design was conducted. Independent variables were advertising appeal (emotional versus rational appeal), picture type (visualization versus physical representation), and service type (hedonic versus utilitarian service). The conclusions are as follows: 1.In general, the advertising appeal significantly influences the advertising effectiveness. Print advertisement with rational appeal results in higher levels of purchase intention than emotional appeal. 2.The service type and the advertising appeal have interaction on advertising effectiveness. As for hedonic service, print advertisement with emotional appeal results in higher levels of recall, attitude toward the ad, and attitude toward the brand than rational appeal. As for utilitarian service, print advertisement with rational appeal results in higher levels of attitude toward the ad, and purchase intention than emotional appeal. 3.The service type and the picture type have interaction on advertising effectiveness. As for hedonic service, print advertisement with visualization as a picture type results in higher levels of recall toward the ad than physical representation. As for utilitarian service, print advertisement with physical representation as a picture type results in higher levels of attitude toward the ad than visualization. 4.As for hedonic service, print advertisement with emotional appeal and visualization picture results in greater advertising effectiveness than other combinations. As for utilitarian service, print advertisement with rational appeal and physical representation picture results in greater advertising effectiveness than other combinations.


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張偉昌(2007)。服務行銷的有形化與體驗創造:以福特汽車Quality Care為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.10391
