  • 學位論文


Effects of Orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Growth Substances on the Growth and Flowering of Phalaenopsis spp.

指導教授 : 張喜寧


本文內容包括:一、菌種分離純化與致病性分析;二、接種蘭菌對蝴蝶蘭開花之影響;三、接種蘭菌及施用激勃素對蝴蝶蘭開花之影響;四、不同蘭菌及激勃素對蝴蝶蘭開花之影響;五、不同植物生長素對蝴蝶蘭生長發育之影響。菌種分離純化與致病性分析中,分離出FP01、GP01、GP02、GP03等菌種,經泥碳土致病性分析,上述菌種均無致病性。接種蘭菌對蝴蝶蘭開花之影響中,接種蘭菌GP01(Fusarium sp.)及R02皆能提高蝴蝶蘭台灣阿嬤(Phalaenopsis amabilis var. formosana)的抽梗率,但在大白花(Dtps. Casablanca Joy × Phal. Taida Pinlong)則無顯著效果。接種蘭菌及施用激勃素對蝴蝶蘭開花之影響中,不同濃度的GAs+R02處理,皆有效提高台灣阿嬤及大白花抽梗率,推測適當蘭菌之存在,可促進GAs的有效性,僅用GAs處理則抑制台灣阿嬤及大白花之抽梗,凡只有接種R02的台灣阿嬤或大白花的各項處理,葉片數較高或落葉數較少,推測可能與促進蝴蝶蘭營養生長或Cytokinin有關。不同蘭菌及激勃素對此二種蝴蝶蘭開花之影響中,R02+GAs或R01+GAs處理效果優於R04+GAs處理,R02對蝴蝶蘭開花上的應用可能高於R01及R04。依據試驗結果,台灣阿嬤蝴蝶蘭品種,推薦可用R02+GA3 150ppm或100ppm處理,可促進其開花;大白花則以R02+GA3處理之表現較為穩定,推薦使用R02+GA3 150ppm、100ppm或GA4+7 150ppm處理,可促進其開花。不同植物生長素對蝴蝶蘭生長發育之影響中,使用Lysine#3(1000ppm)、Aminosong(1000ppm)、Cholrine Chloride(300ppm)、Inositol(50ppm)等植物生長素或新種肥料,觀察到上述處理對蝴蝶蘭營養生長上有幫助,但對開花並無顯著效果。


蝴蝶蘭 蘭菌 植物生長素


There were two geneus fungi , including Fusarium and Rhizoctonia had been isolated from roots of Phalaenopsis spp. Two species of Phalaenopsis spp., Phalaenopsis amabilis var. formosana and Dtps. Casablanca Joy × Phal. Taida Pinlong, were inoculated with the isolated fungi GP01 (Fusarium sp.)and R02 (Rhizoctonia sp.). Phal. amabilis var. formosana. showed the high bolting rate by inoculating GP01 and R02 respectively, or Dtps. Casablanca Joy × Phal. Taida Pinlong doesn’t. The treatments of R02+GAs increased the bolting rate of two species of Phalaenopsis spp., suggesting that the orchid mycorrhizal fungi may promote effect of gibberellins positively. Treating gibberellins alone may inhibit bolting of Phalaeonpsis spp. Inoculating R02 also decreased leaf dropping of Phalaenopsis spp., suggesting inoculate orchid mycorrhizal fungi may promote vegetative growth of Phalaenopsis spp. or produce cytokinins. According the result, we suggest that the treatments of R02+GA3 150ppm, 100ppm or R02+GA4+7 150ppm could induce inflorescence of Phalaenopsis spp. effectively. Lysine#3(1000ppm), Aminosong(1000ppm), Cholrine Chloride(300ppm) and Inositol(50ppm) could increase vegetative growth but non-effect on reproduction growth of Phalaenopsis spp.


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