  • 學位論文

PDA在醫院工務機電設備定期保養管理之運用 —以永和耕莘醫院為例

Applying PDA on regular upkeep of electrical apparatus in hospital - Cardinal Tien Hospital Yung Ho Branch as an example

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


摘要 醫院乃提供病患就醫及健康照顧服務之場所,為滿足使用機能及營運需要,必需仰賴後勤機電設備的支援與配合,方能確保醫院營運正常。而在機電設備管理中,定期保養在確保及保證機電設備能提供穩定且有品質的機能需求;為降低因機電設備故障所產生的風險,避免造成不可彌補的醫療糾紛,落實工務定期保養管理成為醫院重要的課題。 本研究以PDA(Personal Digial Assistant)為工具,利用其輕巧的特性,內建條碼掃瞄器功能,構建一套醫院設備定期保養管理資訊系統,期改善現有作業耗費人力、作業不確實、人員偷懶、資料輸入錯誤等缺點。本系統特性在於:具警示及告知功能可即時提醒保養人員者做適當處置,並加入紅、黃、綠評分燈號,使管理的機制更加有效率,方便追蹤與查核;另維修資料電子化將提升保養管理的確實性及效率,透過同步或即時的處理機制,讓資料傳輸、儲存、統計、整理更有效率,並且有系統的將機電設備歷史資料加以收集,除可解決當前的問題外,更對日後設備整體體檢的檢討與分析有所助益。 本研究文獻蒐集,目前醫療工務維修單位並無同性質之資訊系統,故本系統之開發除具產業創新性與前瞻性,並經本案區域教學醫院實際測試驗證,其能有效改善人力作業成本,節省操作端約一半時間,在管理端效率的部份從原有1至1.5小時縮短成為3至5分鐘的時間,有效的改善醫院機電設備的維護人力成本。


定期保養 PDA 條碼掃瞄器 資料


Abstract Hospitals provide health care for people. To maintain the operating of a hospital, some electrical apparatus and equipment are required. While we are on the subject of preserving the electrical apparatus, regular upkeep is the most important point to assure the function and stability of them, and it also correlates closely with the quality of service in a hospital. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of breakdown of apparatus and to avoid medic dispute, performing the regular upkeep is a significant topic in a hospital. This research is about using the PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) as a tool to accomplish regular upkeep of the apparatus in a hospital. We hope the system can improve some defects, including the error of the keyboard entry, wasting-manpower. This system also has the alert and alarm function to inform the operator about active problem. Furthermore, the Color Signal Rating Model was introduced to divide the apparatus score into different groups. The model is convenient for maintenance staff to check, fix, and trace the breakdown and has increased their work efficiency many times. For instance, using this system makes the information about maintenance computerized and synchronizes the data transfer, storage, and statistics, so it can greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency of work. Besides, keeping the maintenance and breakdown history can not only solve the current problem but also provide superintendent the objective data to review and analyze. For the research of the collection, various industries do not have approximate information of system .The development of the system has the industrial innovation and foresightedness, and a region teaching hospital actually tests its confirmation and efficiency. The superintendent originally spend 1 to 1.5 hours, now so long as 3 to 5 minutes, saves the operator 50% time. It can improve the manpower cost of operation effectively


regular upkeep PDA bar-code scanner data collection


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