  • 學位論文


Tokutomi Soho Wrinting China for His Times

指導教授 : 石之瑜


「如何認識中國」從過去到現在,都是中國域外觀察者的重大議題,其中又以日本的觀察者在時間、視野與分析方式上,展現最為多元、特殊的研究成果。日本對於中國認識的迫切性與熱情,除了日本與中國在地理與文化上的親近外,也是日本如何展現有別於其他國家,尤其是對中國的獨特性與主體性的研究過程。 日本認識中國的方式有別於歐美對於中國的認識,除了以近代化的觀察角度之外,還有浪漫主義的視角,以及將中國視為戰略夥伴的角度,而近代化的視野又常常與社會主義的視角交互出現。不過以上的觀察視角,都與觀察者對日本的國家定位與對國際局勢的認識,以及日本當時的國家政策息息相關;而觀察者的視角也常因為重大事件的發生,而出現不同的轉折。 見證明治維新到第二次世界大戰的德富蘇峰,就是日本近代史的最佳見證者。德富蘇峰除了長期從事政治工作與新聞工作外,也有多變的政治思想與政治觀察角度,以及對於日本發展的熱切期盼,是日本近代史最難以了解的人物之一。也由於德富蘇峰除了長期觀察中國之外,也曾經兩度前往中國,除了實地考察之外,也與中國的政要與思想家有互動與往來。其中國認識也因此具有時代的代表性。 本文以德富蘇峰之著作為文本,並以蘇峰之生平與當時日本國內外時代背景為輔,對於德富蘇峰之中國認識進行勾勒;除了將蘇峰之中國認識與當代思想家與觀察者進行比較與分析之外,並重新詮釋蘇峰之政治思想,體現其政治思想與政治行動之一致性,同時也重新解釋日本之國家發展過程。


For the non-Chinese observers and researchers, “How to understand China” has always been a major epistemological subject. Among them, the Japanese observers have shown the most dynamic and distinctive results from their choice of chronology, perception and method of analysis. The eagerness and passion of Japan’s understanding of China not only show the geographical and cultural intimacy of the two nations, but also how Japan’s research have differ from other countries in its course of research on China’s distinction, along with Japan’s own identity. Japan’s understanding of China differs from the West in that not only is modernity is used as a method of understanding, but also a romanticist approach. The views of China as a strategic partner and socialist approach have all entwined and contributed to Japan’s understanding of China. These approaches have often been influenced by the observers’ own interpretation of Japan as a state, their understanding of the international relations and the government policy of Japan then and there. Major events and issues may also alter these viewpoints of these Japanese observers of China. Having lived through the period of Meiji Restoration and the World War II, Tokutomi Soho is a defining China observer in modern Japan. Tokutomi has long been involved in politics and journalism, and is known for his dynamic and varied political thoughts and observation. Along with his keen aspiration for Japan’s development, it makes Tokutomi Soho one of the most difficult persons to understand in modern Japan. Tokutomi was a long time observer of China and has also interacted with the Chinese politicians and thinkers during his two visits to China. Tokutomi’s understanding of China is thus of importance and relevance. This paper will use Tokutomi Soho’s published writings for original textual analysis. Complemented by Tokutomi’s life experience as well as the domestic and international events in the particular historical points that shaped Japan and himself, this paper will compare and analyze Tokutomi’s understanding of China with other contemporary thinkers and observers. It will also show the consistency of his political thoughts and actions, and thus reinterpret Japan’s path of development and Tokutomi Soho’s Political philosophy.


