  • 學位論文


A Study on the Supply Standard of Building-affiliated Bicycle Parking Spaces ~ the Case of Xinyi District in Taipei

指導教授 : 許添本


隨著時代的演變,人們的交通工具由雙腳、牲畜、自行車,而後發展至現今以汽、機車為主的時代;而在近幾年,又重新吹起一股自行車的風潮,加上汽油節節高漲,許多人開始以大眾運輸或是自行車作為通勤的工具,同時隨著使用的增加,對於停車位的需求也逐漸升高;但目前在國內僅針對汽、機車進行停車位設置的規定,並沒有自行車的相關規定,在國外則是早已行之有年,因此希望藉由本研究提出適合的自行車停車位供給標準,以解決自行車停車問題。 研究範圍針對四種不同用途的大樓進行探討,分別是住宅、商業、辦公類型與公營事業建築物。首先回顧國內外自行車停車位的相關研究與規範規定,提出初步供給架構;再根據不同的建築物用途,選擇適當的調查地點,利用問卷與實地調查,了解停車位供給現況與實際需求,並以國外法規進行試算與比較,提出設置建議。 問卷調查可分為四大部分,一為自行車使用習慣與受訪者基本資料,二為居住地點停車情形調查,三為外出時停車情形調查,四為其他相關問題;如此可得知目前自行車停放現況,與受訪者對自行車停車位的認知與看法。而在實地調查部分,本研究挑選台北市信義區做為實地調查的對象,由於目前在此處有設置自行車專用道,並同時有規劃自行車停車位於大樓週邊,可藉此了解停車位的供給情形與實際需求的差異,利用調查結果計算停車需求產生率,再經由統計結果,研擬合適的停車位供給標準。 研究結果建議,除了住宅類型是以家戶數作為供給標準之外,商業、辦公與公營類型則是以樓地板面積進行設置;其中由於住宅類型沒有實地調查數據,因此僅為初步探討。根據研究結果發現,目前信義區停車位普遍呈現供給不足的情形,而以本研究建議之供給標準將可滿足多數的停車需求,改善目前停車環境,並可提供未來法規訂定之參考。


Nowadays, there are more and more people using bicycles as commuting tools. At the same time, the demand of bicycle parking spaces becomes more and more important. Although there are supply standards for cars and motorcycles, there is none for bicycles. If we look around, there are many supply standards or codes of bicycle parking spaces overseas. In this research, I want to find an adaptable supply standard to solve the problem of parking. There are four kinds of buildings in my research, including residential, commercial, office, and institutional categories. First of all, I look for related research in the literature for supply standards at home and abroad, and broach the framework. Then, according to my categories, I choose 15 buildings in Xinyi District to do field survey because there are bikeways and parking spaces around the buildings. The survey results are used to draw up my supply standard. On the other hand, I use a questionnaire to investigate people’s attitude toward bicycles. There are four parts in my questionnaire. The first part is their using habits and background. The second part is the investigation of residential parking. The third part is the parking situation when they ride out. The last part includes other related questions. In this way, the present situation of bicycle parking can be fully examined. According to my research, I suggest the supply standard be defined by building area, except that the residential category is defined by house unit. Moreover, there is no survey result of the residential category, so this study would be a preliminary research. After the survey, I find the bicycle parking spaces in Xinyi District are not enough. The supply standard I suggest can satisfy the requirements of most buildings and improve the problems of parking. It may serve as a referral to establish codes in the future.




施養政(2009)。自行車生活小區之營造 — 以臺北市中心為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.01354
