  • 學位論文


People-Related and Task-Related Authoritarian Leadership: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Empowerment and the Moderating Effect of Benevolent Leadership

指導教授 : 鄭伯壎




Authoritarian leaderhip is a vivid leadership style in Chinese organizations. With the passage of time, this leadership style is still prevailing in contemporary Chinese organizations, even though Western researchers regard it as a leadership behavior that may undermine subordinate effectiveness. Exploring Fajia’s ideology of “Shih, Fa, Shu”, the concept of authoritarian leadership includes people-related control and task-related control components. The purpose of this study is to clarify different influence mechanism of people-related and task-related authoritarian leadership on subordinates’ intrinsic motivation through psychological empowerment, so as to understand the relations between authoritarian leadership and subordinates’ attitude effectiveness. Finally, in order to demonstrate the specific effect of “benevolent authoritarianism”, this study also explores the interaction effect between people- related authoritarian leadership, task-related authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership on psychological empowerment. After conducting a survey research of 788 valid samples form 36 Chinese businesses in Taiwan, this study find the people- related and task-related authoritarian leaderships have significant distinctive constructs and different effects on outcome variables. Next, meaning and impact mediating the relation between people-related, task-related authoritarian leadership and subordinates’ attitude effectiveness. Besides, the results show that people-related authoritarian leadership has negative effect on psychological empowerment dimensions of meaning, self-determination, and impact, as well as attitude effectiveness. Task-related authoritarian leadership has positive effect on psychological empowerment dimensions of meaning, competence, and impact, as well as attitude effectiveness. Furthermore, the interaction effect between authoritarianism and benevolent primary occurs on task-related authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership interaction, and shows on meaning, self-determination and impact. The discussion, limitations, further research directions, theoretical and managerial applications are discussed at the end.




林孟君(2015)。威權領導真的令人服從嗎? 雙向度威權領導的效能與仁慈領導的調節作用〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.10639
