  • 學位論文


Students’ Perception of and Adaption to Global Warming: A Comparative Study of National Taiwan University and University of Oslo

指導教授 : 張長義


本研究旨在以行為地理學的觀點,探討不同國家居民之全球暖化識覺及調適行為並比較其差異。首先回顧環境識覺與調適行為相關理論,及全球暖化識覺及調適行為相關實證研究,其次以台灣之台灣大學與挪威之奧斯陸大學學生為比較研究個案,結合新生態典範量表設計本研究問卷,分別調查並分析兩校學生之全球暖化個人社會屬性、環境觀、全球暖化識覺及調適行為。本研究於2009年間進行,抽樣調查對象包括台灣大下十一個學院共380位學生,與奧斯陸大學八個學院共178位學生。 研究結果顯示:(一)台灣大學學生對全球暖化的個人感受程度較奧斯陸大學為強;(二) 兩校學生皆為新生態典範的環境觀,且台灣大學學生比奧斯陸大學學生更趨向新生態典範;(三)台灣大學學生也展現了較奧斯陸大學學生更積極的調適行為;(四)個人屬性亦會影響識覺與調適行為,女性比起男性更接近新生態典範,而加入環境相關社團者在調適行為上亦比未加入者積極;(五)個人社會屬性對環境觀、識覺及調適行為皆造成顯著差異(六)環境觀、全球暖化識覺與調適行為之間顯著相關。 基於以上研究結果,除驗證了不同國家居民之全球暖化識覺及調適行為之差異,卻也顯示了儘管台灣民眾個人關注全球暖化,但台灣社會在國際上對全球暖化議題卻無相對應的實質作為,政府在相關政策的擬訂上應有更大的進步空間。本研究建議相關公部門應加強民眾之環境教育,並應儘速通過溫室氣體減量法等相關重大法案,訂定減少溫室氣體排放標準與相關時程,以達節能減碳之目標。最後並建議未來之跨文化識覺及行為比較研究可探討資訊傳播的角色、行為與動機的關係,或以質性方法進行分析以補量化研究的不足之處。


The purpose of the study is to investigate the perception of and adaptation to global warming and to compare the differences among laypeople from different country. Theories of environmental perception and positive studies of global warming perception are reviewed in this paper. A survey questionnaire is developed to investigate the demographics, environmental views, global warming perception and adaptation of students from National Taiwan University (NTU) and University of Oslo (UiO). Surveys were conducted during 2009, two samples of 380 NTU students and 178 UiO students were collected. The results show (1) a higher recognition of climate change of NTU students than to UiO; (2) a more positive attitude and more negative assessment of NTU students than UiO students; (3) a more positive adaptation of students of NTU as compared to UiO students; (4) demographics such as gender and participation in environmental groups also effect perception and adaptation; (5) demographics cause siginificant differences among environmental views, global warming perception and adaptation; (6) there is also a high correlation among environmental views, perception and adaptation. The results suggest that although global warming is well concerned by the laypeople in Taiwan, there is a gap between what is perceived by the laypeople and what is actually done by the government. Furthur studies are recommended to concern the role of mass media and to take qualitative methods to examine the cultural context.


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