  • 學位論文


Taiwan’s Strategy of Drug Enforcement in the Age of Globalization

指導教授 : 蕭全政


全球化風潮對毒品犯罪產生重大的影響,在政治上民主意識的抬頭,導致人權保障的概念獲得強化,偵查機關的權力因而削弱;國界消失,管制減少促使毒品的流通更形容易;貧富差距的擴大,對毒品生產與消費均產生了正面的刺激效果;交通、運輸與通訊科技的進步,使得毒品犯罪的遂行更加便捷;毒品犯罪集團之間全球夥伴關係的建立,導致查緝工作益形困難;而國家主權的式微,更使政府查緝犯罪的力量受到減損。值此情境,毒品犯罪乃有愈演愈烈的趨勢。 本文針對全球化風潮對毒品犯罪所造成之影響,嘗試由國際合作之加強,將世界各國偵查犯罪之各項資源加以整合,期能將具有跨國性質之毒品犯罪組織與其犯罪模式,即時有效予以釐清,以利犯罪之查緝;並透過國內緝毒力量之整合,由橫面將國內各機闗之偵查力量加以結合,從縱面力促緝毒工作經驗之傳承,有效提升緝毒人員之專業技能,俾以強化打擊毒品犯罪之力量。另由現行法規修正方面,藉由修正證人保護法之規定,使緝毒機關更能有效運用犯罪集團內部之成員,儘速釐清犯罪組織之結構;修正洗錢防制法,以有效發揮查扣並沒收毒品犯罪集團犯罪所得之功能,一方面藉此產生嚇阻之效果;另一方面則防止犯罪集團在被查獲之後,能夠東山再起。最後則藉由治安法官制度之建立,使偵查機關執行毒品查緝工作能獲得合理之支持;建立臥底偵查制度,以便使得查緝毒品犯罪之偵查方式能更加多元,並臻於完備。 文末則舉例說明,在全球化風潮洗禮下,不只我國,即使是中、美等強國,在現時環境裡,亦難免於毒品犯罪之危害,若不能打破國家與國家之間的藩籬,建構國際間的聯合防線,各國終將為毒品犯罪本身,或其所引起之政治效應所吞噬。最後,則期許各界,以更宏觀的視野,更恢宏的氣度,結合國內院、檢、警、調、海巡等機關與中、美等世界友邦的力量,共同努力,無論在制度或法規之調整,無論在戰略規劃或戰術運用各方面,均能精益求精,打破一切有形與無形的僵界與束縛,俾能打嬴這場反毒的聖戰。


Globalization is a process of interaction among the people, companies,and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. According to globalization advocates, reducing international regulations on trade and investment will increase trade and development. But these very conditions that promote a globalized environment are favorable for the expansion of drug crime. Drug crime offenders have exploited the enormous decline in regulations, the lessened border controls, and the resultant greater freedom, to expand their activities across borders and to new regions of the world. These contacts have become more frequent, and the speed at which they occur has accelerated. They freely exploit the loopholes of state-based legal system to extend their reach. They travel to regions where they cannot be extradited, base their operations in countries with ineffective or corrupt law enforcement, and launder their money in countries with bank secrecy or few effective controls. By segmenting their operations, crime groups reap the benefits of globalization, while simultaneously reducing their operational risks. Under such circumstance, the author suggests that the Taiwan authorities work cooperatively with other countries and reduce bureaucratic barriers. By sharing the intelligences and resources of investigation internationally, it is easier to define the organization structure as well as the pattern of crime, and in turn to disrupt the organizations of drug crimes. On the other hand, the authority should establish responsible agency in charge of drug enforcement, create an anti-drug network in order to combine all of the relevant resources, promote the professional skills of the personnel, amend the Witness Protection Act and Money Laundering Control Act in order to enrich the tools of investigation, establish the system of magistrate and undercover investigation in order to strengthen the power of the prosecution and thus the efficiency of the investigation will be improved. At last but not least, the author calls for a domestic integration of judicial, prosecutorial and investigatory authorities and a closer international cooperation with all the regimes that engage in countering drug crimes, by expanding our global vision and eliminating unnecessary legal or political boundaries, with a view to winning the anti-drug war together with our colleagues in the world.


Globalization Drug Enforcement Drug Crime


