  • 學位論文


Trends in Long Working Hours and Their Impacts on Health

指導教授 : 鄭雅文


最近台灣疑似過勞死、超時工作的新聞事件頻傳,工時過長的問題再次受到各界關注,而過長工時對健康的危害亦受到關注。根據2009年主計處人力資源調查資料顯示,我國就業者每週工時≧50小時的比例高達17.6%,但是少有研究進一步探討台灣工時的變化趨勢、長工時者特徵,以及與國際比較的情形。雖然國外已累積許多研究,證實過長工時對工作者身心健康的影響深遠,但是台灣本土之流行病學證據仍有限,更少有研究探討工作特質是否影響工時與健康之關係。 本研究包含兩大主軸,第一部分以文獻回顧的方式,比較國際與台灣就業者之工時變化趨勢,並探討台灣長工時者的社會人口學變項分布情形與其變化。第二部分則以勞委會於2007年進行的受僱者調查資料,探討工時與健康的關係,並聚焦於工作特性因子在工時與健康關係中扮演的角色。 第一部分的研究結果顯示,工業先進國家與台灣工作者的平均工時皆呈下降趨勢。根據「人力資源調查」,2009年台灣就業者的長工時盛行率(每週工時≧49小時)為男性18.0%、女性16.6%;然而,同時期進行的「台灣社會變遷基本調查」卻發現長工時的盛行率為男性36.8%、女性33.8%,是人力資源調查的兩倍。 第二部分的研究結果發現,長工時在特定人口族群明顯較高,包括高齡者、男性已婚者、男性有家庭負荷者、女性沒有配偶、女性低教育程度者等。在工作類別上,工時較長的族群包括:雇主和自營業者、服務業、商業、輪班及固定晚班工作者、浮動薪資及按件計酬者、公司規模較小者,以及白領低技術性工作者者。複迴歸分析結果顯示,長工時者較易發生睡眠不足以及不良生活形態(包括缺乏運動習慣、抽菸、飲用提神飲料),但自評健康狀況與正常工時者並無顯著差異;區分性別的迴歸分析發現,男性每週工時≧60小時者其個人疲勞分數顯著較高,但在女性則無相關。 本研究建議,應關注高工時族群的工作壓力與身心健康問題,並將職場社會心理危害因素納入職場安全健康管理的風險評估。主計處按月舉辦的「人力資源調查」,測量工時的題目應更精確,並應區分實際與經常工時、支薪與非支薪加班工時,並應加入通勤時間、無酬家務勞動時間等面向。


In recent years, cases of sudden deaths allegedly attributed to overwork have triggered intensive discussion in Taiwan. According the the survey conducted by the government in 2009, 17.6% of the working people in Taiwan reported working 50 hours or more per week. However, very few studies have been conducted to examine the trends of working hours in Taiwan as compared to other countries, or the characterstics of workers with extensive working hours. Despite that studies from western countries have found associations between long working hours and poor health, little information was available concerning the health impacts of long working hours in working people in Taiwan. There were two objectives in this study. First, we reviewed the trends of average weekly hours as well as the prevelance of workers with working hours of 49 hours or more per week in Taiwan and in selected countries during the period from 1870 to 2010. Secondly, we examined the associations between working hours and self-reported health outcomes using the data from a national survey conducted in 2007. The modifying effects of work factors on the associations between working hours and health outcomes were also examined. Results from the first part indicated that average working hours were descending in Taiwan as well as in the selected developed countries. Data from the Taiwan Labour Force Survey in 2009 showed that 19.1% of male and 16.6% of female workers worked for 49 hours or more per week. However, data from the Taiwan Social Change Survey showed prevalence rates of 39.2% in male and 33.8% in female workers. The latter rates were two-fold than the former rates. Results from the second part indicated that long working-hours were more prevelant in elder workers, men who were married or had family care workloads, women who were single or divorced, women with lower education levels. In terms of type of employment and work, it was noticed that long working hours were more prevalent in employers and the self-employed, workers in service sectors, works with rotating or night shifts, workers on performance-based or piece-rated pay systems, workers in smaller sized enterprises, and white collar low-skilled employees. Results from multivariate regression models showed that long working hours were associated with higher risk of sleep deprivation and unhealthy lifestyle (including lacking in exercise, smoking, and used of alcohol-containing energy drinks. However, no association was found between working hours and self-reported health status. When stratified by gender, only men with long working hours (60 hours or more per week) were found to have higher scores of personal burnout. We suggest that job stress and health problems should be of concern among workers with long working hours. In addition, psychosocial work hazards other than long working hours should also be assessed monitored. We suggest that the questionnaire items used in national surveys should be improved by distinguishing actual verse ususal working hours and overtime work hours with pay verse without pay. Time spent on comuting and unpaid house work should also be assessed.


呂玉瑕:性別、 家庭與經濟:分析小型家庭企業老闆娘的地位。台灣社會學2001;第二期:163-217。


