  • 學位論文


A Study on Gender-Role Attitudes in Taiwan

指導教授 : 賴爾柔


自解嚴後,臺灣社會風氣逐漸開放,社會中與家庭內性別角色也有所改變,從傳統男主外女主內的性別分工形式到現在許多女性進入勞動市場工作。民眾的性別角色的態度是否也跟著變化呢?本研究旨在探討臺灣民眾的性別角色態度,以中央研究院執行的全國性調查資料庫-「台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫」二期二次、三期二次、四期二次、五期二次的「家庭組」資料描繪趨勢變化,並以「世代交替理論」和「社會結構理論」使用「台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫」五期二次單一期次的資料探究影響性別角色態度之因素,最後,本文進一步針對十一位民眾進行質化訪談,透過訪談資料探究臺灣民眾對性別分工的想法,討論臺灣民眾的性別角色態度與其形成。 資料分析結果顯示,臺灣民眾的性別角色態度基本上是趨於現代的,不論在工作環境或是家庭中,多數人抱著性別平等的態度,因此對於性別角色的想法也是持有現代的態度,但惟有「母職角色」方面較持保守傳統的態度,主要乃因多數民眾認為照顧小孩還是女性的工作和職責。而從性別角色態度的變遷趨勢來看,大致有越來越現代的傾向。至於影響臺灣民眾性別角色態度的因素,本研究從量化分析發現,主要是受到年齡和性別、教育程度、職業、宗教、婚姻狀態、十五歲前居住地、父親籍貫的影響。此外,從質化研究中也確實可以看出:時代變遷與世代差異、原生家庭、生活環境與經歷、教育、婚姻狀況和職業對於性別角色態度形成之影響。


Since the curfew was lifted, the social convention has been gradually opened. The attitudes toward gender roles have been changed as well. It is the traditional form of gender division of labor that women had to stay at home. However, have the attitudes been changed since women enter the labor market recently. The study aims to explore the gender-role attitudes of Taiwanese people, using survey data from the project of “Taiwan Social Changes Survey”. The data was designed and collected by Academia Sinica since 1984. Data collected from the following four waves-1991, 1996, 2001, and 2006, were analyzed to described the trends of gender-role attitudes. Then the 2006 cross-sectional data was adopted to explore the factors affecting gender-role attitudes. In addition, four males and seven females were interviewed by qualitative method to review how their gender-role attitudes were influenced by their personal characteristics. From the results of the analysis, we suggest that the gender-role attitudes tend to be more egalitarian from 1991 to 2006 in Taiwan. The data also shows that the gender-role attitudes in Taiwan are egalitarian. More people have egalitarian attitudes in work place as well as home, except the attitude on the motherhood. For people in Taiwan, women still take the role and responsibility of motherhood, and they have to take care of their children. The empirical results points out some characteristic related to gender-role attitudes, which include age, gender, education, occupation, religion, marriage status, living place before fifteen years old and native place. Indeed, from in-depth interview we find out that cohort, original family, living place, education and occupation do influence gender-role attitudes in Taiwan.


gender role gender-role attitudes


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