  • 學位論文


An Ontology-based Approach to Knowledge Base Systems for Wind Turbines and Their Key Components

指導教授 : 郭真祥


本研究係以本體論為基礎,建立風力發電機設備產品知識庫為目的。風力發電為世界各國近來發展可再生能源的重點項目之一,我國政府也積極推動風力發電設備產業之發展。然而,風力發電機設備產品的資料分散在不同的網站、書報等角落,即使是專業人員也必須費一番工夫查找搜尋,對風力機的研究與業務推動人員,造成困擾與不便,本研究之宗旨即為解決這項問題。另外,由於網際網路的發展日新月異,語意網(Semantic Web)從現有的網路架構延伸,已發展出許多新的方法和技術,本研究亦在建構本知識庫過程中,充分地應用了這些新方法與新技術。 本研究調查蒐集國內外風力發電機設備產業生產風力發電機及關鍵零組件產品之資訊,以瞭解國內外主要投入風力發電設備產業之業者生產狀況;將蒐集而來繁複的資料統整,並依照使用需求,有系統地使用語意網的知識本體語言(Ontology Web Language)建構知識本體,有效將知識結構化,並將知識保存利用;使用查詢與推論等技術,以獲取知識及萃取資料中的隱性知識;開發一個提供查詢資訊的網路平台,以利知識的取得與分享。相關經驗可作為未來採購及風力發電機結構之實作時的參考。


With all the recent interest in renewable energy, the development of wind power has received much international attention. In Taiwan, the government has actively promoted the development of the wind power industry. However, the data for wind turbine products and their key components are scattered throughout various websites, books, and newspapers, such that researchers and corporate promoters really have their work cut out for them. On the other hand, the semantic web which is based on the existing web structure, describing new methods and new technologies, enables computers to understand the information and data on the Internet. To understand the industrial situation, this study investigates the collection of data from foreign and domestic wind turbine industries for the manufacture of wind turbines and key components. To structure and preserve the domain knowledge, the ontology in this study has been constructed by Ontology Web Language, using query techniques and inference techniques to extract and acquire knowledge from the ontology. The network platform was then developed to facilitate knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing. This system utilizes Semantic Web technologies and can be used as a reference for future research.


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