  • 學位論文


Functional Developments of the Human Rights Committee: With a Special Focus on Its Interactions with the State Parties in East Asia

指導教授 : 張文貞


於兩公約自1976年施行的三十四年後,我國立法院終於在2009年3月31日以條約案方式批准《兩公約》、制定《兩公約施行法》,兩公約並於同年12月10日正式施行。2012年4月,我國作出了初次報告書,民間團體立即於同年5月作成影子報告,由此可看出我國未來的人權法發展將與《兩公約》緊密結合,我國欲實踐《兩公約》,則必須關注人權事務委員近來功能演進情形,以及委員會針對締約國落實《兩公約》之相關建議與要求。 本論文自委員會的權限出發,以觀察委員會之功能演變,先依委員會作成國家報告審查意見之權限,隨著時間推移是否擴張、或創設更多的權限,使得委員會於作成審查意見之方式更多元、更能有效率地要求締約國提交國家報告等;再以同樣之切入角度討論委員會作成一般性意見、及個人申訴案之審查意見之權限演變。最後,則嘗試歸納委員會作成各文件之權限演變流程,並以時間作為委員會功能演進之決定性因素,區分出三段時期,以說明委員會作成三種文件之權限於各個階段皆表現出何種特色,以及三段時期間的演進是否有共同之方向,乃「有意識地」朝功能擴張之演變邁進。 由於我國國家無法接受人權事務委員會的官方審查,故僅能仰賴委員會與其他締約國間的互動作為我國的啟示。其中,東亞締約國與我國間歷史、文化背景的相似性,且因我國與東亞締約國間立法上常有所參照,具有學習、比較上的實用性,因此以人權事務委員會與東亞締約國間的互動作為本論文的觀察重點。首先將觀察委員會針對東亞締約國提交之國家報告,所作成之審查意見是否依前述的功能演進各個時期,針對締約國做出不同程度之要求;再歸納出委員會於針對各國作成之審查意見中,相同之演進趨勢、同樣重視之議題、建議等,亦與委員會功能演進之過程有所關聯,則可發現,委員會功能擴張的歷程中,東亞締約國亦受有越來越多來自委員會的要求及壓力。此外,儘管東亞締約國批准、加入《公民與政治權利國際公約》的時點不一,然可發現委員會於同一時期中對待東亞各締約國的態度並無二致,亦即委員會面對締約國的態度乃取決於其所屬之功能演進時期,而非取決於締約國批准、加入《公約》之先後。此外,並可發現委員會功能擴張的進程中,影響所及並非只是委員會的單方作為,更影響東亞締約國的回應模式,亦即東亞締約國亦因委員會越發活絡、動態的發展,而更加正面、積極地回應委員會建議,並歸納出東亞締約國於選擇回應模式上的共通發展。 最後,本論文將重心置於我國於今年4月、及5月新作成之初次報告書、及影子報告,先說明我國簽署及批准《公民與政治權利國際公約》之過程,再分別說明我國初次報告書及影子報告,並對照兩者之差異。最後,本論文將東亞國家與委員會互動共通處的觀察成果,作為檢討我國初次報告書之基準,說明依照委員會歷來審查國家報告之經驗,其所期待締約國實踐人權之情形為何,以及我國應如何加以改善。


Since the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (hereafter “the ICCPR”) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (hereafter “the ICESCR”) came into force in 1976, it took 34 years for the Legislative Yuan of Republic of China to finally ratify the two Covenants in March 2009, and legislate the Act to Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economics, Social and Cultural Rights. Both of the Covenants came into force on December 2009. Also, initial report of Republic of China has been submitted in April 2012, and the NGOs immediately submitted shadow reports in the very next month. It is obvious that the future of our domestic human rights law is connected to both of the ICCPR and the ICESCR. Therefore for us to implement the Covenants, it is necessary to focus on the functional developments of Human Rights Committee (hereafter “the Committee”), and the suggestions which the Committee gave to the State Parties. This thesis will first look into the provisions of the ICCPR concerning the Committee, then observing the functional developments of the Committee until now. By analyzing the three instruments made by the Committee, which are concluding observation, general comment, and the consideration of the communication, this thesis would like to pinpoint that the functions of the ICCPR has been expanded as time passed. The attitude of the Committee has been reconstructed from passive toward active and ever dynamic. Also, this thesis would like to divide the functional developments of the Committee into three periods to tell the transition of the Committee. Moreover, by pinpointing the feature of each period, this thesis would like to prove that the Committee is knowingly expanding its functions through each period. Since Taiwan cannot submit the initial report to the Committee, and can never receive an official concluding observation from the Committee, it is significant to look into the interactions between the Committee and the State Parties as implications. This thesis would like to focus on the interactions between the Committee and the State Parties in East Asia for the similarity to Taiwan in history, culture, and legislation. First, this thesis would like to find the differences between the suggestions made by the Committee under each functional development period; also, to conclude the common issues, and the common developing trend between each State Parties in East Asia. Last but not least, this thesis would find that the more active the Committee is, the more positive the State Parties in East Asia would be in responding suggestions in concluding observations. The last part of this thesis would focus on the initial report of Taiwan. First, introduce the initial report and the shadow report, and compare the differences between them. Then, based on the conclusion of the common parts of the interactions between the State Parties in East Asia and the Committee, pinpoint the parts of the initial reports which would fulfill the requirements of the Committee, and the parts which needs to be proved, and shed some implications to the implementation of the ICCPR in Taiwan.


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