  • 學位論文

科技廠商面對產業聚合的應對策略研究: 以英代爾的策略演進為例

A Study on Technology Firm’s Strategic Responses Facing Industry Convergence: The Case of Intel’s Strategy Evolution

指導教授 : 李吉仁


本研究主要目的在檢視企業面對經由科技及商業模式創新、法規改變所引發的產業聚合衝擊下,如何因應產業結構的重組及產業特性的不連續變化,利用重新評價、延伸、放大企業的核心能耐,並透過產業聯盟、收購、風險投資來建立適合的核心能耐組合,以期能確保策略優勢的維持。 本研究以行動運算為例,針對個人電腦關鍵元件龍頭廠商英特爾的策略發展歷程,檢視其在過去個人電腦時代所累積的核心能耐,包含領先實現摩爾定律、領導市場標準及主流設計、管理垂直產業聯盟及品牌影響力等,再根據上述核心能耐,檢視其在網路時代的策略,包括以運算為其核心價值創造市場定價能力,並以網路的外部性為其互補能力提高使用量,價量配合下實現其網路經濟的成長。 根據此策略邏輯,英特爾持續以該”產品互補性”的架構進行行動運算市場的策略發展,以行動寬頻帶動個人電腦消費、以低價電腦服務更大的市場。然而,其核心產品卻遭遇市場上以”技術取代品”及”產品取代品”的融合方式所帶來的挑戰;而英特爾所擅長的標準聯盟也在WiMAX的標準壟斷及頻譜綁標下乏人問津,以至於行動運算部門從早期規格制定者淪為市場追隨者。 最後,本研究發現在新任執行長上任後,預期英特爾將重新定位由原先的市場聚合式成長,回歸定位為原先所擅長的半導體供應商,並且計畫以領先的技術、規模的優勢及效率的追求來重返行動運算市場。


When facing the opportunities and challenges imposed by industry convergence coming from technology/business model innovation and de-regulation, it is crucial to recognize the change and discountinuity in industry properties. Corporates need to re-evaluate, extend and adjust its core competence as well as creating new horizontal competence through strategic alliance, M&A and VC investment in order to keep competitive advantage. In this study, we first review Intel’s core competence that has been built up during the PC era. With these competences, Intel set forth her strategy in internet era by leveraging her pricing power through using processer’s value and grow shipment enhancing with network externality. Given price power and quantity, Intel monetizes her growth in network economics. Using the same rationale, Intel extends her “product complement” convergence in mobile computing industry, but its core products suffer serious competition from others using “substitute technology” and “subsitue product”. Intel also lost WiMAX war because she is unfamiliar with the nature of telecommunication industry. Therefore, Intel gradually became a follower rather than a leader as she originally planned to be. After new CEO Brian on borad, we expect to see that Intel will change its course of growth from industry convergence to being a key semiconductor supplier. And Intel will repack her strength in technology leadership, scale and efficiency in order to return to mobile computing market.


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