  • 學位論文


Litterfall dynamics and nutrient analysis of four native tree species- A case study in the Wanlong Farm, Pingtung County, Taiwan

指導教授 : 王亞男


本研究於2012年5月至2014年7月於屏東萬隆農場試驗地進行枯落物相關研究,以臺灣平地造林常見的原生樹種,分別為水黃皮、楓香、樟樹和茄苳做為試驗對象,調查並比較各樹種枯落物量、枯落物組成及其養分含量、年養分回歸量,地表枯落物層及養分聚積量,並進行初步之各樹種分解速率估算及養分分解所需時間,以期更全面了解枯落物對養分內循環的影響。總枯落物量經過2012年5月至2014年4月,為期兩年調查結果顯示,水黃皮在調查第一年及第二年總枯落物量分別為5.03、5.09 Mg ha-1 yr-1,楓香分別為3.36、3.64 Mg ha-1 yr-1, 樟樹分別為5.24、5.30 Mg ha-1 yr-1及茄苳分別為5.70、4.86 Mg ha-1 yr-1,四樹種枯落物之年平均養分含量顯示,水黃皮各組成中氮含量普遍較高,茄苳則是鎂含量高,年回歸量在四樹種中大致呈現碳>氮>鈣>鉀>鎂>磷的情形。各樹種枯落物逐日衰變率 (k) 為楓香>茄苳>水黃皮>樟樹。以四樹種的葉部枯落物養分含量作為養分再轉移作用依據,結果顯示氮除了茄苳為完全再轉移作用外,其餘三樹種為轉移不完全,而四樹種的磷皆為完全再轉移。土壤層60 cm交換性鉀、鈣及鎂養分庫來自年枯落物輸入的比例,以水黃皮占最多 (19.55%)、茄苳次之 (18.98%)、楓香 (8.33%) 及樟樹 (7.66%) 最少。本研究結果顯示,即使在同一個生育地,枯落物及其養分回歸受植被不同所影響,且可能會改變養分循環和土壤特性。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the litterfall dynamics and nutrient returns, litter layer and nutrient accumulations among four native tree species, i.e..Pongamia pinnata, Liquidambar formosana, Cinnamomum camphora and Bischofia javanica which were planted at the Wanlong Farm in Pingtung County. In order to understand the impact of litterfall on the nutrient internal cycling, this study also estimated the rate of decomposition of each species and the time required for the nutrients decomposition. The litterfall was collected once a month for 24 months (from May 2012 to April 2014). The experimental results showed that the annual litterfall was 5.03 and 5.09 Mg ha-1 yr-1 for P. pinnata stand in the first and second year respectively, 3.36 and 3.64 Mg ha-1 yr-1 for L. formosana, 5.24 and 5.30 Mg ha-1 yr-1 for C. camphora, and 5.70 and 4.86 Mg ha-1 yr-1 for B. javanica. The highest concentrations of N and Mg were found in P. pinnata and B. javanica respectively. Annual nutrient returns in litter roughly showed the decreasing content of C>N>Ca>K>Mg>P. The daily instantaneous decay rates (k) were the greatest in L. formosana stand, followed by B. javanica, P. pinnata and C. camphora. Using N and P nutrient content in the leaves of four native tree species as the retranslocation thresholds, results showed that N was incomplete retranslocation except for B. javanica, but P retranslocation was complete in four tree species. An amount of nutrient cations input via litterfall to the exchangeable stock in the soil was the highest in P. pinnata (20%) and the lowest in C. camphora (7.7%). These results suggested that even on the same site, the litterfall and its nutrient return varied from different vegetation, and this cause changes in nutrient cycling and soil properties.


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