  • 學位論文


The Evolution of Chinese Foreign Policy since Reform and Opening:A "Position vs. Identity" Analysis of Party and Government Reports since the CPC Twelfth Party Congress

指導教授 : 張登及


中共在1978年12月十一屆三中全會後,開始大力推動改革開放政策,從此國力日增,逐漸走上崛起之路。時至今日,中共在國際與區域的影響力已是有目共睹,在中共日益強大之際,其崛起對國際社會到底會帶來威脅或和平,攸關區域與世界穩定。尤其對我國而言,「中國崛起」議題不僅是國際關係問題,更是影響兩岸發展的核心因素。 鑑此,本論文研究在藉由對中共外交政策進行分析,以瞭解中共自實行改革開放以後,其在國際社會崛起後對外政策的軌跡與發展,同時期能具體掌握中共外交政策在延續與變遷部分究竟如何。為對中共外交之延續與變遷能清楚掌握而不流於抽象,本研究從「位置」與「身分」的觀點,對中共「十二大」以來黨政報告有關外交政策部分進行分析,並將各時期外交政策類型化為「國際體系平衡者」、「國際社會負責者」、「國際現狀挑戰者」三種角色。再經由三種角色在同一時期所占比例大小,來呈現當時期的中共外交政策樣貌,期藉由三種角色所占比例之變化,能對中共外交有清晰與具體的認識。 研究發現,十二大至十五大時期,即約1980、1990年代間,中共外交政策首要角色為「國際體系平衡者」,此期間中共以發展國內經濟建設為首要,在外交上堅持和平共處五原則、和平與發展,不斷壯大國家整體實力。自十六、十七大時期,隨著中共國力已具一定規模,國家建設也步入軌道,中共對參與國際建制與各種國際組織愈顯積極,因此此時期首要角色轉變為「國際社會負責者」。進入十八大時期,雖然目前仍處於發展中,但綜觀中共迄2014年底所積極推動的許多外交政策,例如「一帶一路」、「亞洲基礎設施投資銀行」等,顯示其對於取得國際話語權、主導國際秩序有其企圖與規劃,因此首要角色轉變為「國際現狀挑戰者」。從以上的角色變化中,可以發現中國大陸崛起之路的軌跡,經過30幾年的建設,已從文革後國家百廢待舉中,成為區域強國與世界大國。同時,每一時期三種類型角色所占比例的變化,亦顯示中共外交行為背後的多重意圖與戰略目標。


At the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC in December 1978, the Chinese leadership came up with the so-called reform and opening-up policy. Since then, China's national strength has steadily increased and hence the rise of China. Today, China exerts considerable regional and international influence. With its increasingly greater national strength, whether the rise of China is to be accompanied with threat or peace to the international community is a critical issue where stability of the Asia Pacific and the world as a whole are at stake. For the ROC, China's rise is not only a question of international relations, but also a key factor affecting cross-strait relations. In view of this, the current thesis intends to analyze the Chinese foreign policy to understand the trajectory and development of China’s external policy since its rise following the opening-up and reform policy. Meanwhile, the thesis also seeks to shed light on the consistency, as well as adjustments, of Chinese foreign policy in its evolution. In order to demonstrate the consistency and adjustments of Chinese foreign policy in a concrete manner, rather than being abstract, this study takes a viewpoint of “position” and “identity” in analyzing the CPC and Chinese government reports concerning foreign policy since the 12th CPC Party Congress. Hence, Chinese foreign policy falls into three categories or roles: "the balancer of the international system," "the responsible stakeholder of the international community" and "the revisionist of the status quo." The weight of each of the three roles in a given period would decide the direction and contour of Chinese foreign policy in that period and the changing weight of the three roles would offer clues as to China’s diplomacy in that period. The study concludes that between the 12th and 15th CPC party Congress during the 1980's and 1990's, China primarily played the role of "the balancer of the international system." During this period, Beijing focused on developing the country's economy on the domestic front and adhered to the five principles of peaceful coexistence, as well as the principle of peace and development, on the external front. As a result, China managed to accumulate greater national strength. During the 16th and 17th CPC Party Congress period, China had enjoyed considerable national strength and its national development was firmly on track, Beijing became more and more active in participating in various international organizations and international institutions, hence playing the role of "the responsible stakeholder of the international community. Since the 18th CPC Party Congress, China has actively sough a greater say in the international community and tried to dominate the international order in a systematic way, as evidenced by initiatives such as the "One Belt, One Road" and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, etc. Therefore, China at this stage is playing the role of the revisionist of the status quo. The evolution of these three roles that China has assumed revealed a trajectory of China's rise in the past 30 years; it has evolved from a devastated basket case of the Cultural Revolution to a regional and world power. Moreover, the different weight of each of the three roles in each period is also indicative of China's multi-fold intentions and strategic objectives behind its diplomatic moves.


