  • 學位論文


Cultivation and Regulation of Flowering in Echinacea purpurea

指導教授 : 葉德銘


紫錐菊(Echinacea sp.)為多年生草本植物,具有藥用與觀賞價值,以種子繁殖為主,育苗期長,合適的養液氮濃度對紫錐菊穴盤苗生長之影響仍不清楚。於臺灣地區盆花生產約需5-7個月,以溫度、激勃素及光週期調節開花之方法及適合之盆器大小尚待研究。紫錐菊可做為景觀使用,評估是否能適應臺灣夏季多雨淹水的環境為重要的課題。 紫錐菊‘Purple Red’子葉展開後栽培於25/20oC,每週施用含0-28 mM氮(N)之強生氏養液1次,連續施用6週,結果顯示葉片數、葉面積、全株、地上部乾重隨養液N濃度由0提升至20 mM增加,高N處理(>24 mM)使植株產生鹽害徵狀。根數及根活性隨養液N濃度由0增加至16 mM而增加,於24及28 mM N處理則下降,4-12 mM N處理根較長。全株淨光合作用速率於N濃度處理間無顯著差異,光飽和點隨養液N濃度由0增加至28 mM有上升之趨勢,暗呼吸作用速率則隨養液N濃度提升而有下降之趨勢。以20 mM N處理之植體氮、磷、鉀、鈣及鎂濃度分別為34.5、4.6、32.9、16.7及6.5 g·kg-1,在前人之建議值範圍內。 將具3-4片葉之E. purpurea、‘PowWow Wild Berry’、‘Purple Red’及‘White Swan’置於日夜溫15/13、20/15、25/20、30/25、35/30oC之自然光照室,試驗自然日長為12-13.6 h。四參試品種於15/13oC處理之葉片形成慢,溫度上升至30/25oC可加速葉片形成,於高溫35/30及30/25oC植株簇生且莖不伸長,全株乾重亦減少。四參試品種於20/15及15/13oC開花率較高,到莖伸長及開花天數亦較少。35/30oC處理使‘PowWow Wild Berry’與‘White Swan’開花率下降,使E. purpurea與‘Purple Red’則幾乎不開花,‘PowWow Wild Berry’及‘White Swan’之分支數、花朵數及花朵大小隨溫度由15/13oC上升至35/30oC而減少。 於日長12-13.3 h、30/25oC環境下取10-14片葉之紫錐菊‘PowWow Wild Berry’及‘PowWow White’,自頂芽澆灌5 mL之100、200及300 mg·L-1 GA3。結果顯示未施用GA3處理者則簇生,施用GA3處理約8-11天可觀察到莖部伸長而,且可使紫錐菊之分枝數、花朵數及株高增加。 取12-14片葉之紫錐菊‘PowWow Wild Berry’、‘PowWow White’及‘Purple Red’在20/15oC進行1)每日9 h自然日照(ND)、2) 9 h自然日照+ 5 h省電燈泡延長日照(DE),(3) 9 h自然日照+省電燈泡暗期中斷(NB)等3種不同光周處理。結果顯示三參試品種於DE及NB之可見花苞及到花天數較SD短,且在SD處理植株之株高較矮,花朵數較少。 取3-4片葉之紫錐菊‘PowWow White’及‘Purple Red’種植於25/20oC之人工光照室,處理35天期間以高壓鈉燈每日光照12 h,光積值3.2、6.1、9.5及11.7 mol·m-2·d-1,處理36-50天將每日光照延長至14 h,光積值為3.8、7.1、11.1及13.6 mol·m-2·d-1等處理。結果顯示二參試品種以3.8 mol·m-2·d-1處理之葉片形成速率最慢,隨光積值增加葉片形成速率有上升的趨勢。二參試品種之葉片光合作用速率在光強度220 μmol·m-2·s-1最高,於光強度75 μmol·m-2·s-1光合作用速率降低,為非氣孔限制因子;葉片數及乾重隨光積值提高而增加,葉面積、葉柄長、植株寬度隨光積值下降而增加,葉片厚度則隨光積值下降而減少。‘PowWow White’之可見莖伸長及花苞天數於低光積值3.8 mol·m-2·d-1處理最長,到花天數隨光積值增加而減少,花朵乾重隨光值上升而增加。 取5-6片葉之紫錐菊‘Purple Red’定植後分別給予20%、20%/60%、40%及70% 體積含水量(volumetric water content, VWC)處理。在20% VWC乾旱處理生長植株與葉面積減少,在70% VWC淹水處之植株生長嚴重受阻且葉片黃化、萎凋、落葉,存活率降低。以20% VWC及70% VWC處理之葉片光合作用速率較低,為非氣孔限制因子。20% VWC乾旱處理之花朵發育較慢,但有較多花苞,而70% VWC處理則開花率低,總花朵數最少,花朵乾重低。 取3-4片紫錐菊‘Purple Red’分別定植於容積350、500、800及1400 mL的容器處理117天,各處理間葉片數、側芽數、根活性無顯著差異。地上部及地下部乾重以1400 mL處理者最多,根冠比則隨容積增加而下降。栽培於350 mL容器中的植株,花朵發育較慢且花朵數較少,植株亦較矮小。


Purple coneflower (Echinacea spp.) are perennials with medical and ornamental uses. Seed propagation for plug production is time-consuming, white suitable nutrient solution nitrogen (N) concentration during plug production is unclear. Regulation of flowering through temperature, gibberellin application, and photoperiod, and suitable container size is still required for production in subtropical Taiwan conditions. Evaluation coneflower for landscape uses is crucial especially during rainy summer in Taiwan. Echinacea ‘Purple Red’ seedlings after cotyledon expansion were grown under day/night temperature of 25/20oC, and fertilized weekly with Johnson’s solution containing 0-28 mM N for six weeks. Results showed leaf number, leaf area, whole plant and shoot dry weights increased with increasing N from 0 to 20 mM, but decreased at 24 mM or 28 mM N that caused salt injury. Root number and root activity increased when N increased from 0 to 16 mM, but decreased at 24-28 mM N. Plants treated with 4-12 mM N had longer roots. Whole plant net photosynthesis did not differ between treatments, however, light saturation point increased and dark respiration decreased with increasing N. Nitrogen-deficient plants had the higher plant carbon concentration. Plant nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium concentrations in 20 mM N were 34.5、4.6、32.9、16.7及6.5 g·kg-1 respectively. Plants of E. purpurea, ‘PowWow Wild Berry’, ‘Purple Red’, and ‘White Swan’ with 3-4 leaves were grown in phytotrons with day/night temperatures of 15/13, 20/15, 25/20, 30/25, and 35/30oC under 12.0-13.6 h natural daylengths. Results showed that leaf formation was slow at 15/13oC, and increased with increasing temperature up to 30/25oC. Plants were rosette with decreased plant dry weights at 35/30 and 30/25oC. Flowering percentage was higher, and time to stem elongation and flowering were earlier at 15/13 and 20/15oC. Flowering percentage decreased with increasing temperatures, and E. purpurea and ‘Purple Red’ did not flower at 35/30oC treatment for 140 days. Branch, flower number, and flower diameter decreased with increased temperature from 15/13 to 35/30oC in ‘PowWow Wild Berry’ and ‘White Swan’. Plants of ‘PowWow Wild Berry’ and ‘PowWow White’ with 10-14 leaves were dripped with 5 mL of 100, 200, and 300 mg·L-1 GA3 under 30/25oC and 12-13.3 h daylengths. Both cultivars showed stem elongation at 8-11 d after treatments, while plants with out GA3 were rosette. Branch number, flower number and plant height increased with GA3. Plants of ‘PowWow Wild Berry’, ‘PowWow White’, and ‘Purple Red’ with 12-14 leaves were treated with 9 h natural daylength (ND), ND plus 5 h day extension by fluorescent lamp (DE), and ND plus night break by fluorescent lamp (NB) under 20/15oC. Flowering percentages were higher in plants with DE and NB, and ‘PowWow White’ produced flowers earlier with DE and NB treatments. Plant height and flower number were low with SD treatment. Plants of ‘PowWow White’ and ‘Purple Red’ with 3-4 leaves were grown in artificial light room with 12 h photoperiod at 25/20oC. By altering distance between light, plants received 3.2, 6.1, 9.5, and 11.7 mol·m-2·d-1 during the first 35 days, and subsequently received 3.8, 7.1, 11.1, 13.6 mol·m-2·d-1 from day 36 to 50 with 14 h photoperiods. Results showed that both cultivars formed leaves slower when grown at 3.8 mol·m-2·d-1, and increased with increasing light integral. Leaf photosynthetic rate in both cultivars was the highest under 220 μmol·m-2·s-1, and the lowest under 75 μmol·m-2·s-1, that resulted in non-stomata limitation. Leaf number and dry weight increased with increasing light integral. Leaf area, petiole length and plant width increased with decreasing light integral; while leaf thickness decreased wigh decreasing light integral. Days to stem elongation, visible flower bud, and flowering took the longerst time with 3.8 mol·m-2·d-1 in ‘PowWow White’, and decreased wigh increaseing light integral as well as increased flower dry weight. Plants of ‘Purple Red’ with 5-6 leaves were treated with 20%, 20%/60%, 40%, and 70% volumetric water content (VWC) treatments. Plants under drought (20% VWC) were smaller, while those under waterlogging (70% VWC) grew poorly and exhibited leaf chlorosis, wilting, leaf drop, and low survival percentage. Leaf photosynthetic rates were lower in plant with 20% and 70% VWC treatments, that resulted in limited non-stomata limitation. Plants with 20% VWC flowered slowly but with more flowers, while those with 70%VWC had lower flowering percentage, flower number, and flower dry weight. Plants of ‘Purple Red’ with 3-4 leaves were planted in container with 350, 500, 800, and 1400 mL volume. Leaf, lateral bud number, and root activity were not significantly different between treatments. Shoot and root dry weights were higher in plants grown with 1400 mL container. Root to shoot ratio decreased with increasing container volume. Plants grown with 350 mL container were shorter, took longer time to flower, and produced fewer flowers.


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