  • 學位論文

祈禱小米豐收歌的圓滿經驗: 台灣布農族吟唱pasibutbut意識狀態初探

The optimal experience of "pasibutbut" : Investigating the consciousness state of Bunun Taiwanese when singing the Millet Harvest Praying Song

指導教授 : 王育雯
共同指導教授 : 連韻文


台灣布農族祈禱小米豐收時所吟唱之祭歌pasibutbut,其目的為使來年小米豐收。被嚴格挑選出來,代表族人之吟唱者,都肩負使命期望達成目標。根據前人研究這種「達成目標」的經驗,稱為「圓滿」(族語maslin或bisosilin)。故psibutbut雖然外顯是合聲方式的音樂表現,但其本質與內涵是追求天神滿意的一種狀態與經驗,究竟pasibutbut所追求的圓滿是什麼樣的經驗?引起筆者動機,探討pasibutbut圓滿經驗之意識狀態。 為探究圓滿經驗之意識狀態,最直接來源是收集布農族人吟唱pasibutbut的經驗。考量意識主觀經驗的資料收集需要大量語言交換,以深度訪談的方式收集,分兩階段收集。第一階段為探索論題各面向的適切性,共訪談人數14位,方法包括一對一深度訪談與團體討論等。初步歸納圓滿經驗主要關鍵的特質,再擬定第二次結構式的訪談大綱。 第二階段主要聚焦表演團體的訪談,所參與的人數為10人,方法包括開放性的訪談、結構式的訪談與輔助之問卷評量表。 結合兩次之資料,本研究共訪談24位pasibutbut吟唱者,進行綜合分析與歸納,初探出圓滿意識經驗的特質。 初探出圓滿意識的特質有四項:合一感、技巧掌控感、專注感與正向愉悅感。再將所研究的圓滿意識特質,與已具研意識究基礎之心流經驗(flow)特質相互對話,以期獲得更清楚之了解與體會。研究發現pasibutbut圓滿意識特質四項具有心流經驗之特質,但並非完全相同。其中圓滿意識合一感的層次中,與靈合一的經驗,與合一感中聽覺上呈現的經驗,這兩種經驗是心流研究中比較少見的。透過本研究之貢獻有三:一、提供pasibutbut吟唱意識經驗的資料,二、呈現pasibutbut在音樂學以外的心理價值,三、提供族群特有文化與普世經驗以及科學研究的對話。


The Bunun tribe in Taiwan sing a ritual song Pasibutbut to pray for abundant millet harvest in the coming year. To represent the Bunun tribe in singing Pasibutbut, an individual must undergo a rigorous selection process. Those selected strive to complete the mission in earnest. According to previous studies, the experience of achieving a personal goal is referred to as “rounding off,” or maslin or bisosilin in the Bunun language. In the case of Pasibutbut, although the mission is explicitly expressed in the form of harmonious singing, its essence is a state or experience of seeking satsifaction from the divine.The nature of the “rounding off” experience of Pasibutbut is worthy of investigation.This study explored the state of consciousness involved in the “rounding off” experience of Pasibutbut. The most direct method of investigating the state of consciousness involved in “rounding off” is to collect Bunun people’s experiences of singing Pasibutbut. In-depth interviews were conducted to collect subjective experiences from Bunun people, the collection of which requires a large amount of verbal communication. This data collection was implemented in two stages, namely a first stage of exploratory interviews and second stage of formal interviews. In the first stage, 14 people were interviewed and data were collected through one-on-one interviews and a group discussion. From the data, the researcher summarized the preliminary key characteristics of the “rounding off” experience and prepared a structural outline for the second interview stage. In the second stage, formal interviews were conducted with ten interviewees and data were collected through open interviews, structured interviews, and a supplementary questionnaire survey. Data from the two stages, in which 24 Pasibutbut singers were interviewed, were pooled. After analyzing the pooled data, the researcher summarized the preliminary characteristics of the consciousness in the “rounding off” experience. Based on this preliminary study, it is discovered that the consciousness of “rounding off” contains four characteristics: a sense of oneness, sense of mastering skills, sense of focus, and sense of positive pleasantness. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the consciousness of “rounding off,” these four characteristics were compared with the more extensively-studied flow experience in this thesis. This study found that the four characteristics are similar to those of the flow experience but not identical, including the experience of spiritual oneness and the hearing experience involved. This study makes three major contributions. First, it provides information on the consciousness in Pasibutbut singing. Second, it presents the psychological value of singing Pasibutbut in addition to the song’s musicological value. Third, it provides a dialogue between Bunun ethnic culture and universal science.


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