  • 學位論文


The Humans and Gods in a Rule-of-Law State: The Justification, Interpretation and Application of the Crime of Blasphemy

指導教授 : 周漾沂




This thesis undertakes to exemplify that the wrongfulness of a blasphemous act is not the attack on an abstract religious ideology or religious figure, but rather its effect on human beings. Any justification for the crime of blasphemy on the basis of maintaining religious peace, social solidarity, social taboo, religious sentiments cannot pass muster for they are incompatible with the harm principle and the universally valid character of legal goods. This thesis proposes to understand religion as an important social identity for a person, and to grasp reputation as a necessary condition for social life. To harm reputation is to degrade a person’s social status and to strain her social life. Reputation can be harmed through a person’s subjective social status or by directly affecting objective social status as suggested by the status construction theory. Article 246(1) of the Criminal Code shall be interpreted according to the harm to the persons represented by the religious materials. The aim of belittling, semantics, and illocutionary force must be considered when deciding a case.


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11. 周漾沂(2008),〈論「煽惑他人犯罪或違背法令罪」之處罰理由〉,《臺大法學論叢》,37卷4期,頁347-389。
12. 周漾沂(2012),〈從實質法概念重新定義法益:以法主體性論述為基礎〉,《臺大法學論叢》,41卷3期,頁981-1053。
13. 周漾沂(2012),〈論攻擊性緊急避難之定位〉,《臺大法學論叢》,41卷1期,頁403-444。
15. 周漾沂(2014),〈重新建構刑法上保證人地位的法理基礎〉,《臺大法學論叢》,第43卷第1期,頁209-269。
