  • 學位論文


A usability study of baby health tracking mobile apps

指導教授 : 唐牧群


對多數的新手父母而言,如何照護好嬰幼兒是一項挑戰。受到網際網路普及之影響,手機應用程式 (Mobile Application,簡稱APP) 早已滲入使用者的日常生活中並影響著使用者的生活。過去探討APP之好用性研究中,尚未有探討關於嬰幼兒健康成長紀錄APP之好用性。故本研究旨探討嬰幼兒健康成長紀錄APP之好用性。本研究以USE (USE Questionnaire: Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of use)問卷量表、微軟反應卡 (Microsoft Reaction Card)與訪談來評估免費下載之「寶寶生活記錄」與「Babylog寶寶日誌」兩款嬰幼兒健康成長紀錄APP之好用性。 本研究邀請20位育有並主要照護0至3歲嬰幼兒之育齡婦女,進行實驗任務清單操作,操作後填寫USE (USE Questionnaire: Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of use)問卷量表、選取5張微軟反應卡 (Microsoft Reaction Card)再接著進行訪談,以了解「寶寶生活記錄」與「Babylog寶寶日誌」兩款APP之好用性與應該添加和改善之功能,全程大約花費一小時的時間。 研究結果顯示,受測者對於「寶寶生活記錄」與「Babylog寶寶日誌」於兩款嬰幼兒健康成長紀錄APP之好用性是正向的。本研究有以下三項結論:(1) 「寶寶生活記錄」與「Babylog寶寶日誌」應提供簡單、清楚與明顯的說明書功能,以提供使用者於首次使用時可以更快速熟悉操作之。(2) 「寶寶生活記錄」與「Babylog寶寶日誌」應提供更具親和性的個人化之建置,以因應使用者個人化之需求。(3)開發商能時常進行軟體之維護與更新,以滿足使用者照護嬰幼兒需要之功能需求。


For most novice parents, how to care for a baby is a challenge. Affected by the popularity of the Internet, the Mobile Application (APP) has already penetrated into the daily life of users and affected the lives of users. In the past, there has not been discussion about the usability study of baby health tracking mobile apps. Therefore, this study aims to explore the usability of baby health tracking mobile apps. This study adopted quantitative and qualitative method, which evaluated the usability of “Baby life record’’ and “Babylog’’ two free apps by using USE Questionnaire: Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of use、Microsoft Reaction Card and interviewed the participants about their perceptions of “Baby life record’’ and “Babylog’’ two free apps. Participants were 20 women of child-bearing age who are has a 0 to 3 aged baby and mainly caring for. The participant firstly operated ten pre-designed tasks on the two baby health tracking mobile apps;then they filled out the USE Questionnaire: Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of use, picked up five Microsoft Reaction Cards, later, the researcher interviewed the usability of the two baby health tracking mobile apps, as well as the functions to be added or modified. The process took approximately one hour. Results showed that, The participants are positive for the usability of the two baby health tracking mobile apps. The researcher concluded that the developer of “Baby life record’’ and “Babylog’’ two free apps should offer operating manual for the user who operating it first time more quickly. And the developer should provide the functions more user-friendly and personalized, it will be meet the needs of users. Lastly, the developer should often maintenance and updates the “Baby life record’’ and “Babylog’’ two free apps, it will to meet the functional needs of users to care for a baby.


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Fanfanhsiao (2017年6月27日)。照顧新生兒作息必備APP!寶寶生活紀錄。【痞客邦】。檢索自http://fanfanhsiao.pixnet.net/blog
Google paly (2019)。Babylog寶寶日誌。檢索自https://play.google.com/store
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