  • 學位論文


An Eye Tracking Study of Reading Library Rare Books with Different AR Layout Design

指導教授 : 林維真


古書是圖書館特藏的一種,專指11世紀到20世紀初期、具有歷史價值的印刷書籍,能提供研究及學習之用。然而因為古書書況脆弱,目前展示方式大多是放在透明玻璃櫃,除了研究人員,一般讀者難以閱讀古書內容。歐美地區的圖書館已有採用虛擬實境等模擬技術,製作3D模型、翻譯或解釋等資訊以加值古書內容,同時保護古書外觀,但目前研究尚未進一步探討這些呈現與資訊是否有效觸及讀者,及使讀者有效學習。 本研究採用準實驗法,根據現行常見AR書資訊呈現方式-並列式排版與覆蓋式排版,以及古書展示常見的補充資料種類-原文翻譯與圖片,以臺大圖書館特藏《草的性能》為主題共設計出四種不同版面提供閱讀,並以眼動儀捕捉對照與凝視等閱讀軌跡,以及透過前後測問卷蒐集學習表現及認知負荷。透過線上招募共計52位大學生與研究生參與本研究,隨機分為四組,以不同版面閱讀相同內容,實驗中以觀察記錄受試者閱讀行為,實驗後訪談受試者並進行回顧性放聲思考。 研究結果顯示,閱讀並列式排版的參與者比起閱讀覆蓋式排版的參與者,有更多視線遷移;與過去研究主張在並列式排版會因認知負荷高而閱讀成效較差不同,本研究發現參與者在遷移與對照過程中,會主動比對古今植物差異、比較拉丁文與中文,當過去經驗與知識和古書內容相左時,能引發批判性思考,有較好的閱讀成效。而在擴增文字與圖片對閱讀理解表現的影響上,雖然兩組閱讀理解表現沒有統計上顯著差異,但閱讀擴增文字的受試者花費大量時間閱讀擴增中文翻譯(總閱讀時間的80%~90%),且認為文字內容較為複雜,不易記憶與理解;而在有擴增彩色圖片輔助的組別,受試者則因容易想像真實植物樣態、容易和文字產生連結,對內容複雜的感受度比只有原圖的組別低。 根據研究結果,本研究提出應用擴增實境進行古書展示時,應採並列式AR補充資訊排版,而在提供AR資訊時需考慮AR資訊與原文之相關性,能引發讀者產生聯想、分析與比較的積極閱讀行為,促進對圖書館古書或特藏資源的理解。此外本次以植物學主題內容為研究素材,提出應用擴增實境進行古書展示之一般設計原則,但不同文本主題可能有不同閱讀行為,因此未來研究可進一步針對不同主題進行探討。


Library rare books are printed books manufactured from the 11th century to the early 20th century with historical importance. Because of the fragile condition, rare books are usually preserved in the closed glass box, which deters the general readers from learning the rare book content. Several libraries have adopted virtual technology like AR/VR to provide supplemental information without hurting the rare books, such as 3D models and translation. However, there is a lack of research investigating how the organization of these augmented information affect patrons’ reading and learning. A between-group quasi-experiment was implemented with four different AR rare book information design, which were drawn from the exiting AR book information layouts (overlapping/ side-by-side), and frequently-used rare book supplemental materials (translation/ pictures). 52 graduates and undergraduates were recruited to read a 15th rare book, the Herb of Nature, and randomly assigned to four groups to read with one of the four types of AR supplemental information. This study adopted a non-intrusive eye tracker to capture participants’ eye transition and fixation as their reading behaviors. Pretest and posttest questionnaires and a retrospective think-aloud interview were used to measure students’ cognitive load and learning performance. The result showed that AR rare book information presented in a side-by-side position led to more cross-reference reading than in an overlapping position. It was found that augmenting the supplemental information in a side-by-side position did not burden the use of AR information as the cognitive load theory had suggested, but it raised participants’ interests in comparing the AR herb picture and the ancient illustration, and comparing the AR Chinese and Latin. Also, participants tended to think critically and had better learning performance when they felt the AR information and original rare book content did not align with their prior knowledge and experience. In terms of the effect of the AR translation and picture on learning performance, although the four groups of participants did not differ significantly in their reading comprehension test, it was found that participants spent 80~90% of the total reading time on the AR Chinese translation yet still most of whom considered the content hard to remember and understand. On the other hand, participants who read with AR pictures agreed that with AR pictures, they felt the content less difficult and that the pictures helped with imagination and enhanced the connection between the visual image and the textual description about the herbs. Based on the result, the study suggested that library rare book AR display practice augment virtual supplemental information in a side-by-side fashion with consideration of the semantical connection between AR and the original information. By doing so, the AR information can trigger students to connect, analyze, and compare between the past and the modern knowledge, enhancing students’ understanding to library rare books. This study contributes to general design principles for AR rare book display based on a botanical rare book. While reading behaviors may differ in different topics and contexts, different genres and types of literature would be further investigated for the future studies.


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