  • 學位論文


The Effects of Product Category Relatedness of Endorsement and Perceived Needs of Product Knowledge on Consumers’ Product Attitude of User-Generated Content in Blog Context

指導教授 : 簡怡雯


本篇研究主要探討消費者在閱讀網路部落格文章時,部落格主(產品代言人)過去代言的產品品類相關性與代言產品的知覺專業知識需求對文中產品態度、作者可信度以及文章可信度的影響。實驗中,操弄產品品類相關性與調節變數產品知覺專業知識需求在高與低兩個水準,並將受試者隨機分配至此四種不同的狀況,閱讀完實驗人員設計的部落格文章後,衡量其產品態度、作者可信度與文章可信度。本研究結果顯示,受試者都在高涉入的狀態下,1) 作者過去業配過的產品品類相關性完全影響產品態度,當相關性低時,消費者對產品的態度會往負向修正而顯著低於相關性高時的狀況;2) 產品品類相關性對產品態度的影響是透過作者可信度與文章可性度所中介。此外本研究尚有關於代言產品的知覺專業知識需求的額外中介效果發現:當產品知覺專業知識需求高時,消費者會知覺到此篇部落格文章為業配文(廣告)的程度則越高,致使代言此產品的部落客與此篇部落格文章的可信度都較產品知覺專業知識需求低的狀況時來的低,然而,產品品類相關性並無上述的中介效果。藉由本研究的發現,在業配文行銷操作上,代言人過去代言的產品品類相關性高,產品態度會較佳,對於代言人與文章的可信度也會較好,尤其在產品知覺專業知識需求高時更是如此。


The present research mainly discussed the effects of product categories relatedness of endorsement and perceived needs of knowledge of a product endorsed on consumers’ product attitude, source credibility, and article credibility under a user-generated content in a blog context. The result indicated that 1) product categories relatedness of endorsement completely affected product attitude. When there was unrelated endorsement, consumers’ product attitude would be negatively corrected, and therefore, significantly lower than related endorsement. 2) The influence of relatedness of endorsement on product attitude was mediated by source credibility and article credibility. Additionally, when a product is perceived high needs of knowledge to endorse, the blogs post such product would be taken as more like an advertisement or a sponsored content, and as a result, the credibility of the blogger and the content were be discounted.


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