  • 學位論文


Improved Design and Thermo-Structure-Magnetic Coupling Analysis of PMASynRM

指導教授 : 鄭榮和




This study focuses on the rotor design and thermo-structure-magnetic coupling analysis of the Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor (PMaSynRM). Through the discussion and optimization analysis of the magnetic barrier, an optimal motor having 220Nm is obtained. The usage of the rare earth permanent magnet is 17.9% less than the prototype motor. And use the optimized motor to conduct thermo-structure-magnetic coupling analysis to explore the influence of centrifugal force and thermal expansion on the air gap size and motor performance. The rotor deformation caused by the centrifugal force causes the air gap size slight reduction and the air gap flux density slight increase. It is obtained that the influence of centrifugal force on motor performance is within 2% within the safe speed of motor structural strength. Thermal expansion causes the air gap to become larger as the temperature rises so that the air gap flux density gradually decreases with the temperature rise. The maximum influence of thermal expansion on performance is 4.3% within 180 degrees Celsius. The maximum influence on motor performance caused by the combination of centrifugal force and thermal expansion is 3.2%.


[1]美國能源局研究報告, Available: https://www.kingautos.net/223088.
[2]全球主要國家電動車示範運行推動現況, Available: https://www.car-safety.org.tw/uploads/Rule/全球主要國家電動車示範運行推動現況.pdf.
[3]動車產業現況剖析與發展趨勢, Available: https://www.artc.org.tw/upfiles/ADUpload/knowledge/tw_knowledge_5941224
[4]電動車政策時程, Available: https://www.artc.org.tw/upfiles/ADUpload/knowledge/tw_knowledge_594122409.pdf.
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