  • 學位論文


Study of Taiwan’s Funerary Culture During the Japanese Occupation: Focusing on the Changes of Funerary Culture

指導教授 : 田世民


臺灣喪葬禮俗由清代移民時傳入,歷經日本統治時期、戰後中華民國統治流傳至今。其中,日本統治時期及戰後台灣,對於臺灣喪葬禮俗舊慣多有提倡改良之建議。尤其是異民族所殖民的日本統治時期,戰爭下的皇民化時期曾強制改善舊慣,一般認為此舉對於台灣傳統文化造成嚴重的打擊。然而,現今臺灣的喪葬禮俗仍保有舊慣,似乎沒有太多的改變痕跡。 本論文以日本統治時期臺灣葬祭禮俗為研究對象,藉由分析文獻及史料來探討日本統治時期的政策及所施行的風俗改良,對臺灣葬祭禮俗所造成的影響為何。 大抵而言,日本統治時期的臺灣喪葬禮俗變遷,可依統治政策與時局的變換分為三個時期。統治初期採取「無方針」主義政策,統治者基於防堵傳染病之衛生考量,針對葬法訂定法令。除此之外,遵循舊慣尊重的原則,並無強制改善喪葬舊慣;統治中期受到同化會成立的影響,同風會陸續成立並開始風俗改良運動。與此同時,受到第一次世界大戰時局的影響,台灣新文化運動也開始改革社會陋習。此時期的喪葬改良可說是以台灣人自發性的改良為主,然而其成果最終局限於臺灣的社會領導階層;統治後期受到戰爭時局的影響,喪葬改良以簡約為主。皇民化前期為使臺灣人能成為即戰力,而強制臺灣喪葬禮俗全面日本化,然其最終走向形式上的同化。有鑑於此,皇民化後期在文化政策上有所緩和。然而此喪葬禮俗的改善最終仍沒有普及於一般民眾。


This study aims to explore Taiwan’s funerary culture during the Japanese occupation from 1895 to 1945, especially focusing on the changes in Taiwan’s funerary culture.  During the Japanese occupation, the Japanese colonizers attempted to improve Taiwan’s old funerary custom, the movements of Taiwan’s funerary custom improvement are started many times. However, current Taiwan’s funerary culture does not seem to be much different from previous Taiwan’s funerary culture, which has been had before the Japanese occupation. The study applied a historical method to analyze and investigate related historical materials of Taiwan’s funerary culture during 1895-1945, to understand how the colonial policy and the movement of Taiwan’s funerary custom improvement impact on Taiwan’s funerary culture, and to examine what the changes of Taiwan’s funerary culture. In Chapter 1, I explored the old manners and customs survey impacts on funeral customs under the beginning stage of Japanese occupation (1895-1915). In Chapter 2, I focused on the custom improvement movement of Tung-Feng-Hui and Taiwan New Cultural Movement in the middle period of Japanese occupation (1914-1931), to illuminate the effect of their work. In Chapter 3, I discussed how the Kominnka Movement during the fifteen-year war (1931-1945) transforms Taiwan’s funerary custom into Japanese funerary culture, and examine its the results.


