  • 學位論文


Research on Home Smart Resistance Exercise Products for Midlife

指導教授 : 陳家麟


科技與醫療的不斷進步,同時完備身體、心靈與社會化的成功老化,依然是一個不小的課題。避免失能,個人比較能掌握的,就是良好的生活習慣,包含:運動、飲食管理、與戒煙限酒。 在發現阻力運動在台灣是一個待開發的市場後,本論文以中年人為目標客群,透過兩階段的訪談,來確認目標客群在阻力運動的需求,並透過自己設計的裝置,驗證裝置的回饋及透過影片學習阻力運動的可行性。 在訪談與測試的過程,勾勒出要啟動這個族群開始阻力運動的過程,要透過發生痠痛,或是透過同儕圈的互相邀約。


阻力運動 健身 智能化 成功老化


The continuous progress of science and technology and medical care, while the successful aging of physical, mental and socialization, is still a major issue. Avoiding disability, what the individual can do is to have a good living habits, including: exercise, diet management, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction. After discovering that resistance exercise is a market to be developed in Taiwan, this paper targets middle-aged people as the target customer group. Through two stages of interviews, we confirm the needs of the target group in resistance exercise, verify the self-designed device, and learn the feasibility of resistance exercise through the video. In the process of interviewing and testing, the process of starting the resistance exercise of this group is outlined, either through soreness or through peer circles.


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