  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張能復


1992年空污法修正公布,依據法規規定,凡公私場所經指定公告之污染源,於新設或變更前應取得主管機關核發之設置野i證,方得進行設置,於實際操作前,必須提出符合排放標準相關證明文件,經過主管機關審查通過,核發操作野i證,始得操作。野i制度實施歷經十年,於執行過程經歷精省業務移交,將原設計二階段審查改成一階段審查,大幅縮短審查時間,並於最近一年又規劃總量管制前置作業包括模式模擬、容頃W量限質等業務,又配合電子化政府,將排放量、空污費申繳、檢測等業務採網路申報,如此一連串的變革,對政府機關、業者、技師等相關單位,無不增加大量工作,再加上有些法令管制面之缺失,使的管制成性不如原預期週延,造成政府及業者須投入大量人力來配合實施此一制度。 為了要了解野i制度實施後,進行野i核發後查核、申請資料與實際現況比較並透過各種管控機制,包括煙道檢測、排放量申報、資料庫建置及稽查等方式。再藉著申請表單、煙道檢測、變更或異動程序、審查流程設計之探討,檢討目前野i制度,並納入現今排放量推估、申報,模式模擬及總量管制等機制,使制度更符合實際需求且達到更有效能的管理。 研究步驟依序為(1)由已取得野i證之工廠,分析查核不合格率及差異性、(2)由管制法令中整理申請野i條件書件文件記載之適宜性(3)分析技術審查與法規管制之適用性(4)分析新竹縣空污費申繳前五十大工廠之實際排放量與核定排放量之差異(5) 分析一定規模下之容頃W量現值及最佳可行控制技術之規定完整性(6)野i核定後之檢測申報與各子法之檢測規定之差異及與管制現況是否落實(7) 進行問卷,以作為野i管制之依據。 研究成果為由文獻回顧整理之問題再藉由針對公私場所責野i相關業務人員及環保單位人員進行問卷歸納之結論如下:一、由研究法規及管制策略發現廠商申請資料之錯誤及野i制度不熟悉二、各申報資料庫未整合及文件複雜三、檢測規定不完備及申報規定模糊四、技師簽證部分廠商對於技師簽證在野i制度中扮演角色之質疑。 建議目前之解決對策:一、加強廠方之野i認知。二、提昇野i審查核發品質。三、資料庫要整合,對各工廠申報資料要有勾稽弁遄A自動稽核異常資料,並針對科技產業之複雜性修改資料庫或開發資料庫。四、野i文件應簡化並採網路申報。五、制定排放量、容頃W量現值及最佳可行控制技術審查作業標準程序。六、檢討一定規模設計之量,門檻是否過高。 七、檢驗方法建請持續針對未公告且法規要求須檢測的項目進行公告且建議環保署空氣污染物標準檢驗方法中,因經常排放口的測值為ND,在計算排放量時針對若檢測值 為ND,則採偵測極限值或偵測極限之中間值為檢測值。


Air Pollution Control Law was amended in 1992. According to the revised law, public and private locations, with any equipment emitting prescribed air pollutants, need the permits by the authorities concerned prior to the construction, installation and operation of the equipment. Permits are also required when a business using such equipment changes ownership or when such equipment is moved from one location to another. The business should submit the permit application to prove that the emission standards are actually met in their pollution sources. Based on the information submitted, the authorities concerned will evaluate and then, if not against the emission standards, will issue the permit to construct or the permit to operate. The operative activities of the pollution sources are allowed to start until receiving the permits. The permit system of air pollution control has been applied for ten years. From two-stage evaluation to single-stage evaluation, the application procedures tend to be more efficient. In the past year, the concept of the total capacity has been adopted. Model simulation and the increasing emission rate over the assigned amount are also included to better the permit system. With the coming era of e-government, the related works are undertaken on line to update the latest information of the emission rate, air pollution fee and the result of emission test. A series of transformations increase to some degree the workloads of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB). Environmental engineering technicians and environmental engineering companies are not exception. In a word, our government and the related industries are investing a great amount of human resources and make efforts to advocate the permit system. By means of stack test, active report of emission rate, the establishment of database and regular checks of the pollution sources, we attempt to compare and shorten the difference between the actual conditions of air pollution and the documentary information provided by the factories with permits. Besides, application forms, stack test, change procedure and evaluation procedure are created and improved as our actual needs dictates. Estimated emission potentials , the active report of air pollution, model simulation and total capacity — all are included in the permit system to gain a even more effective control of our air quality. The procedures of this study go as follow: (1) to analyze the impropriety and discrepancy of the previous evaluations of the factories with permits. (2) to examine the propriety of the content of the application documents according to the regulations of the Air Pollution Control law. (3) to study the effectiveness of the evaluative techniques and the regulations of the permit system. (4) to show the difference of the prescribed emission rate and the actual emission rate of the top fifty factories in Hsing-Chu county. (5) to investigate the intactness of the increasing emission rate over the assigned amount and the best available control technology. (6) to check whether the emission tests after gaining permits comply with the emission tests in laws. (7) to collect the statistic information from questionnaires so as to consolidate the basis of permit regulations. From the review of related documents and the information of the questionnaires by factories’ members and those of EPB, this study comes to a conclusion. (1) From the study of the requirements and the regulation strategies, we found the fact that many applicants submit insufficient information or incorrect fees because they know little about the permit system. (2) The related databases aren’t efficiently integrated and thus the applications still remain complicated. (3) Regulations about the emission tests are incomplete and the requirements of permit applications appear unclear. (4) On the part of certification, the role of environmental engineering technicians is dubious to some factories. The solutions of the problems above are indicated in the following: (1) To help the factories understand the regulations of the permit system. (2) To enhance the evaluative quality of issuing permits. (3) In order to automatically detect the odd data and revise the databases or create new ones due to the complications of technology factories, all related databases should be integrated and become complete. (4) Our permit applications should be simplified and be undertaken on line. (5)To enact the standard operating procedure (SOP) of the evaluations of emission rate, the increasing emission rate over the assigned amount and the best available control technology. (6) To re-examine if the requirements about the increasing emission rate over the assigned amount are reasonable. (7) It is proposed that EPA makes a public notice about the standard test methods of those prescribed air pollutants. In the case of no detecting (ND) tests, the maximum or medium digits can be accepted as their test results.


1. 行政院環境保護署,固定污染源總量管理推動及野i執行計畫,八十九年。
3. 行政院環境保護署,固定污染源野i及總量管制之整合、推動及執行計畫,九十一年。
17. 行政院環境保護署,空氣品質保護25年紀實,pp189-199。
19. http://www.aqmd.gov/South Coast Air Quality Management District
2. 行政院環境保護署,固定污染源排放管理制度之整合、推動及執行計畫,九十年。pp2-29~2-34
