  • 學位論文


Business Model Analysis of Biotechnology and Medical Companies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 湯明哲


生技製藥產業於歐美國家正值蓬勃發展之際,在政策的支援及法規的健全下,市場活絡且技術領先。過去的醫藥產業只有少數幾家製藥大廠能夠獨立完成新藥開發的一貫流程。而未來的生技製藥業將會朝向專業化分工的趨勢,讓各個生技公司能夠各展所長,並能相互依賴,藉由策略聯盟的方式專注於核心能力。這種趨勢的發展,有助於台灣的廠商於受限的資源條件下仍可跨入新藥開發領域。 本研究宗旨在探討國內主要生技製藥公司,且有參與新藥開發活動者,以瞭解生技企業經營者,如何在有限的產業環境條件下,規劃企業的資源佈局,配合其經營邏輯,有計劃的提升企業能力,創造出獲利的經營模式,並有效累積新藥開發所需要的各層面技術及實力,以期與國際接軌。藉由本研究,希冀能搭配現行產業與企業條件,找出適合現階段台灣生技製藥產業的營運作法與生存模式。 探訪的研究標的,以具有公開上市資料,並有涉入新藥開發價值鏈相關活動之生技製藥公司為主。實際研究方面,以文獻資料分析和深度訪談為主,並以第二章所敍述的價值鏈與經營模式等理論為輔助分析。藉由探討醫藥產業發展型式之外在環境面向,再研究製藥產業內企業本體之資源(資金、技術、收益)、經營模式(四大構面: 營運範疇、掌握利潤、價值主張、及策略控制)、合作模式及成長路徑。 為了廣泛瞭解不同階段的經營模式,研究者選擇賽亞基因,健亞生技,懷特新藥及台灣東洋四家公司作為個案研究目標。最終結論針對四種模式所需要的條件及其可能面對的限制作一評析。並瞭解以現存產業條件而言,哪一種進入模式,所面臨的風險較小,獲益較穩定。經營模式的四個構面又以哪一構面影響廠商生存最巨,以供產業現存者與新進者之參考。


Under the favorable policy support and a well-established legal environment, the biotechnology and medical industry in developed countries prosper with vigorous market growth and leading technologies. In the past, only few very large pharmaceutical companies were able to finish the whole process of new drug research and development on their own. In contrast, the trend is towards specialization in a particular section of the value chain. The specialization allows small biotech companies to focus on and leverage their core competences through strategic alliances and interdependency. This development provides opportunities for companies in Taiwan with constrained endowments to go across the territory of new drug development. The biotechnology and medical industry in Taiwan faces critical limits in technology and resources. Under such circumstances, how do these biotech and pharmaceutical companies organize their scarce capital assets, construct their business model to strengthen core competences, avoid business risk, cooperate with foreign companies, and eventually enter the new drug development field? We also want to find out which kind of business model is more suitable under Taiwan’s situation (both on a macro and micro level). In order to fully understand the operating models in the stages of growth, we choose Vita, Genovate, Maywufa and TTY as our research targets, and combine with related business model theories to analyze Taiwan’s medical industry and companies’ business models (business scope, profit capture, value proposition, strategy control), cooperative models, and growth paths. The conclusion will set forth the conditions and limits that different models will confront, thus providing a reference for incumbents and new entrants.


Vita Genovate Value Chain TTY Business Model Maywufa


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