  • 學位論文

以網路服務為基礎之點對點運算平台 -企業網格計算之實現

A Web Services-based P2P Platform for Enterprise Grid Computing

指導教授 : 曹承礎


隨著個人電腦運算能力的不斷加強,個人電腦已經可以完成許多複雜的運算,雖然現在的電腦運算能力可以說是大幅的提升,許多的事情已經可以一瞬間完成,但是還是許多高運算需求的程式,還是依然無法在短時間內完成,在此現象下,本研究便希望能物盡其用的將企業內閒置的資源整合成一個企業網格,用以計算企業所需要的相關高運算需求的應用,一來節省企業內部購買高階伺服器的成本,二來使得企業內部閒置資源能有更有效的應用,因此本研究主要在探討如何整合使用企業內部閒置的IT資源已達到更有效的運用。 因此本研究希望提出一個可能實現的架構,探討資源整合的方式,同時期待在整合資源之虞並且提供一個簡易使用的方式,希望降低分散式計算的開發複雜度與開發時程,因此本研究在設計上試圖找出一個一般化分散式平行計算平台的架構,並根據此架構實作了一個雛形平台,由此平台替程式設計師解決底層的分散式相關議題,並且在分工上提供一般性的分工功能,最後在平台的使用上則提供一個單一窗口讓程式設計師在開發應用程式時只需透過此平台來使用後端的運算資源,而不需去考慮分散運算的相關議題,以真正達成一個輕量級簡單使用的分散式計算平台的目標。


With the enhancement of personal computing, PC(Personal Computers) have been able to process a lot of complicated computing tasks. Although today’s computing capability is significantly enhanced and many application-related jobs could be complete within a minute, there are still plenty of highly computing-intensive programs that could not be done in a short amount time. Under this circumstance, this research aims to integrate and utilize a company’s spare/excess computing resources to form an “Enterprise Grid”, in order to accommodate the needs of company’s relevant high computing-intensive applications. It could ultimately avoid the cost of purchasing high-end server and ensure of effective use of it spare/excess computing resources inside the company be used more effectively. Therefore, this research is mainly discusses about how to integrate spare/excess computing resources inside a company and to use them in a more effective way. This research presents a possible realized architecture. It discusses the approach of integrating resources and intends to provide a simple interface and design for straight-forward implementation of various algorithms to reduce the complexity and time of developing distributed computing besides integrating resources. Therefore this research attempts to find a general architecture for distributed parallel computing platform. Then a prototype adhering to this architecture is produced. This platform can help programmers solve the related issue of distributed computing. Finally, it provides a single interface for accessing and this allows when exploiting back-end computing power, to develop application programs only through this interface without encountering the related issues of distributed computing. In short, it accomplishes the goal of making a practical and useful distributed computing platform.


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